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RFPRA Hosts Roman Team Challenge Gymnastics Meet

The Rome-Floyd Parks and Recreation Authority hosted the First Annual Roman Team Challenge Gymnastics Meet on January 7, 2012 at the RFPRA Gymnastics Center.

This event hosted 167 gymnasts spanning from ages 6 to 17 competing from Level 2 to Level 10 of AAU and USAG. This meet draws participants from southeastern states.

Head Coach Matt Zollitsch, responsible for coordinating the meet stated, "The new gymnastics facility and the growth of our team gymnastics program has enabled us to host our first ever gymnastics meet. I am excited to have such strong participation in our first year."

The highest scoring team wins the Roman Team Trophy and free entry into next year's meet. This meet helps gymnasts achieve qualifying scores for state titles.

The meet was held at the RFPRA Gymnastics Center located at 1 Shorter Avenue in Rome, Georgia. Admission was $5 for ages 6 and up.

The gymnastics center is a state-of-the-art gymnastics facility complete with two in-ground pits, one channel pit bar, uneven bars with resi mats, in-ground tumble trak, separate recreational and competitive equipment, and all the standard gymnastics and tumbling equipment. The facility also features viewing areas spanning the width of the gym. The building of this facility was made possible through the 2006 SPLOST funding.

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