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DEA Warrant Phone Scam

MEDIA RELEASE: The FCPD has received multiple reports of a new phone scam targeting persons who make purchases over the internet. The caller advises he is from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). He then advises the person that he has a warrant to search their residence and for their arrest. The person is then advised that federal agents are within ten to twenty minutes from the residence and because there have been no prior incidents, the person can pay a fine and the matter will be dropped. The DEA is aware of this scam and has posted a scam alert on their website The website also has a link to report scams to the federal government on this site. Please remember, no law enforcement agency is going to call and give you a warning if they have a warrant for your arrest, or a warrant to search your residence. If you have any doubts about who the caller is, hang up , dial 911 , and report the contact to local authorities.
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