The News About Local Media
Click here
to get right to it OR continue reading the brief, but informative, backstory info below to describe the trainwreck of local
news & media that follows it.
NOTE: RFN has always been operated by ONE person & is part time. This sole operator is NOT what
is considered a "real" or trained journalist or a reporter & has NEVER claimed to be, unlike some other local want-to-be
posers that have lied & failed trying to pass themselves off as such. However, RFN's operator has worked with & around authentic
high level journalists as a crewmember where some newsgathering skills were picked up. Additionally, RFN's operator has
extensive technical & video / cinematic experience at the broadcast / cable network & feature film levels in reality / news
television & production operations but admittedly was naive and completely blindsided by the level of cheapness & acceptance
of the "good enough" environment in small markets. Therefore, RFN is taking longer to develop into a high quality local news
platform without becoming sterile & selling out resulting in the heavily shaped news by influence, agenda & bias delivered in
Rome / Floyd each day >> RFN Bio
Behind the scenes and in the open, there's alot of mouthrunning going on between competitors in any industry and the media
world is no different, even in Rome. Occasionally there's a public outbreak of criticism but just because it's not mentioned
on their pages, doesn't mean they're not saying it. These people are obnoxious, arrogant, eccentric & hypocritical behind the
scenes & occasionally in the open on their sites folks. They don't like new & fresh ideas, especially new technology they don't
understand, which means they certainly don't like newcomers that threaten their longtime power & control of the distribution
of local news when & how they want to deliver it. RFN has had enough and is going to talk about what's really going on. So,
check this page often for new entries exposing the ridiculous antics, gimmicks, tactics and manipulation of local news
content along with mistakes made by the providers. There's always a backstory with some things being too sensitive but the
info below is what can be mentioned. The best part is that all of this is the truth and not necessarily an opinion
although some might be. And NO, RFN is NOT jealous of these yahoos, just frustrated because the opportunity to provide unbiased
local news is squandered by unhealthy relationships and agendas. The listings below are from newest to oldest where the
really good stuff is located. And now the news . . . about local news!
The following video is a great parody of how ridiculous and over the top the media can really be, even at the regional and
national levels.
>> Breaking News: Some BS Happening Somewhere! (strong language advisory)
Quotes of the DECADE in the world of 24 hr news access! The following is regularly posted in any given online RNT story, "For
more details, see TOMORROW's Rome News-Tribune" AND "Details were unavailable at press time" . . . that's right RNT,
bring attention to your ineptness and then wonder why you are failing. Other than those without internet access, the scary
part is that there are those that will deprive themselves and wait 24+ hours later to PAY & see it in print like good
little newspaper trained sheep. The bottom line is that YOU are being manipulated & deprived of already available information
on a regular basis.
RNT gets the Decade of Local News Manipulation award for successfully obscuring and/or outright holding confirmed available
info from the public online and selling the few to 24 hrs old news in print much later. This happens on a regular basis but
in late January 2013, there was an incident where an official police press release was provided to ALL local media & RNT
intentionally posted a vague report withholding the specific details to sell it in print 24 hrs later. RFN & other local
sites had posted ALL the info as soon as it was released but there were instances of people reading the brief on RNT's site
and on other sites that linked to RNT's brief that were asking where more specific details could be found about the incident.
It's like newspapers that do this have a life ring in hand while watching someone drown saying they'll throw it to them when
they feel like it.
NOTE: RFN just can't keep up with these yahoos & their buffoonery, so there's around 100 new backlogged entries that are yet to be posted
so check back for some good ones!
MID February, 2015 ID fraud reports continued to grow with even more victims coming forward after a records theft at a local college.
Although RNT has its moments of idiocy, it still manages to provide useful information every now & then but there was not a single word about
those record thefts among all the canned, copy & paste press releases in the daily Crock Report on Rome's "news center" Hometown Headlines or
its "strategic partner" radio station's news lineup, who both can't afford to speak the truth about that sponsor they both share. Unbelievable.
And no, RFN is not jealous of tail kissers. HTH not reporting about a few other local nonadvertising untouchable elites has happened a few
other times in the past probably because of affiliation conflicts or requests to not run it. RNT has taken plenty of this school's ad money
over the years & they still posted it. Thanks RNT! Maybe we'll see more of this if the new owners are not or don't become as close to local
powers as the previous leadership. If the local public only knew what was not being revealed because of favors or fear of retaliation & sponsor
loss, which could also happen if a friend of a sponsor is affected or offended. Just scroll down to see past stories that Rome's "news leader",
HTH, chose not to mention. UPDATE: The radio station mentioned actually grew some guts and reported on the stolen records but as expected, there
was never a peep about it in the HTH Crock Report.
EARLY February, 2015 As expected, staff reduction began under new ownership at the bankrupt & recently sold Rome newspaper. Of course,
even after successully running RNT into the ground, RNT's former exiting "executive" will still collect his $10K/month for 20 months ($200K)
checks serving as a "consultant". Then imagine how sweet the financial package must be to have lured the former RNT publisher, Otis Raybon, to
abruptly resign in Mississippi & rush back to Rome after fleeing from RNT back in '13. According to the most boring name in local news & RNT's
other biggest fan, Hometown Headlines, ALL staff has been procedurally terminated with all contracts & past benefits voided & so far, at least
two employees are out the door for good. As for the remaining staff under the new ownership, they should be wary for the axe to swing in their
direction in the near future >> HTH
LATE January, 2015 TRAFFIC ALERT! ... TRAFFIC ALERT! Mr Hometown just
doesn't seem to know what to do with the power of this thing called the internet. It appears as though he forgot that he lives in Rome along with
most of his viewers when he posted a traffic alert for a road closure . . . IN CEDARTOWN! It's not the first time either. His excuse would be
that EVERYBODY in Cedartown, 25 miles away, makes it a point to look at his website featuring daily copy & paste press releases about his friends
& sponsors in ads disguised as news. If it's not Cedartown, it's Cartersville. This is right up there with RNT posting breaking news about a
fast food restaurant chain closing a store in CEDARTOWN or yet another WalMart opening in Ft Oglethorpe. Just scroll down for that.
LATE January, 2015 In an apparent attempt to actually be useful, the typically most boring name in local news, Mr Hometown Headlines,
decided to "report" the location of several police motorcycle units presumably actively writing traffic tickets at a focused location but his
plan to be cool, backfired. He forgot that his self described "affluent" audience is much older & therefore found that type of "news" to be
irresponsible & probably immature. He received a good o'le smackdown on his Facebook page by several people. It probably wouldn't have been as
noticed if it had been mentioned after the fact. What's more surprising than anything is that he didn't delete the critical comments or the
entire post like in the past, at least not yet. And just in case he did, RFN got this screenshot first >> CONVERSATION SCREENSHOT
LATE January, 2015 BREAKING NEWS! ... BREAKING NEWS! Well, not really.
But that's what RNT wanted you to believe. Out of the frying pan & back into the fire. In a surprise twist, former RNT publisher, Otis Raybon,
who resigned a while back, presumably from disgust & embarrassment & headed to Mississippi to the Daily Leader (scroll down for that backstory),
resigned from his position there & announced his return to Rome with a "deal he just couldn't refuse". From RNT, "The Daily Leader of
Brookhaven, Mississippi, is reporting that Otis Raybon is returning to Rome for a position at the Rome News-Tribune". So RNT, how is it that
he resigned & already had a deal to work for you & the story in that paper is how you found out about it? Do you really expect everyone to believe
that? Just how did the deal at the Daily Leader link below occur before RNT discovered this & decided to share it with Floyd County? There
seems to be alot of money being thrown around to "executives" for a newspaper that's had ongoing layoffs in the middle of a long drawn out
bankruptcy owing millions to hundreds of creditors who should probably be asking some interesting questions about all of these pre-sale deals
going on. Just scroll down to see more detailed posts about the unusual increase, double the original buyout offer, in a last minute auction
that effectively shut out two other bidders, the $10K per month for 20 months ($200K) "consulting" payout for the exiting executive, the long
familial relationships with the buyer & seller, the premature announcement of the sale along with the unusual confidence of the sale's success
even though the bankruptcy judge had not yet approved the deal at that time and on and on >> DAILY LEADER
LATE January, 2015 If it's not a new sign, a newly paved lot, new building paint inside and/or out or a bake sale, etc., as ususal, Mr
Hometown Headlines could not resist informing you about a local company known for recycling its products also choosing to "recycle" its sign.
Well, not exactly. Mr HTH worded the "story" as if the company was recycling the sign to be environmentally friendly by not leaving it behind
after they moved when in fact, they were simply moving the sign to the new location to save money which makes sense, doesn't it? Now that's a
real newsworthy event if there ever was one but is to be expected from the most boring name in local news. He's got to justify his existence to
those sponsors by creating something out of nothing. Just scroll down for more HTH absurdities.
LATE January, 2015 If it's not informing us of out of town fast food restaurant closures, wifi availability in other cities, etc, RNT
thought it would be nice for you to know about the graaaand opening of yet another Walmart store in case you could not find what you needed in
the TWO stores that Rome already has, except, this one is in Ft Oglethorpe! But it was an event worth noting where "Walmart employees danced
& celebrated as the crowd gathered". Here is just a sample of what the new store features, "The new store will provide Fort Oglethorpe
residents with low prices on an assortment of merchandise including fresh produce & meats, frozen foods, groceries, fuel & pharmacy & will be
open 24 hours a day, seven days a week". Yep, that basically describes what you will find at EVERY Walmart! With enterprise "stories" like
this it's no wonder RNT is bankrupt >> RNT
MID January, 2015 Well, Mr Hometown Headlines finally made himself useful again by posting the latest update to RNT's bankruptcy process.
He reported that in addition to the out of town newspaper, at least two other bidders were interested in buying out RNT's assets but at least
one creditor expressed concerns about a significant debt still owed to them by RNT. All this while the RNT boss was to be paid $10K per month for
20 months (that's $200K!) as a "consultant" by the first out of town buyer (see post below). Unbelievable! >> HTH
EARLY January, 2015 Among the many other daily copy/paste releases & "stories" he posts, AKA: ads disguised as news, Mr Hometown Headlines
must have confused himself with his ad-soaked website by blurring the lines of story headlines & ads even further when he slipped up while
introducing a local bank's new mobile website & mobile banking features. The irony is that the advertiser that "courteously brought you that
story" was another local competing bank! That's right, another competing bank that is a paying HTH sponsor actually "sponsored" that "story"
featuring its competitor's new services. Because Mr HTH is so comfortable with copying & pasting everything, he probably didn't even know that
he had done it. And the bank that PAID for its competitor to be mentioned must not have caught it either because it was never corrected or removed.
It appears that Mr HTH may need to go back to advertising school. But it kind of shows that nobody is really reading any of that drivel anyway,
not even the ones that are paying for it. The names of the banks were removed to protect the innocent.
LATE December, 2014 In another desperate attempt to salvage what's left of its >> sinking ship
by once again "Jumping the Shark"
before it sells out to a company that actually knows how to run a newspaper business, the bankrupt Rome newspaper reached an all time low by
thinking it would be a great idea to recall all of the local tragic deaths of 2014 to brag about how many views each of those stories got on
its website. Not only that, they made it the top front page headline story in their print edition AND chose to do it only one day after
Christmas. It's hard to say what's worse, using personal tragedies to promote its delusional, perverted "success" or bragging about incredibly
low viewer numbers considering the size of the local population & a potential worldwide audience. To see RNT's obscenity, click >> RNT
- RNT did not post this story on their Facebook page more than likely to prevent getting slammed with comments telling them how demented they
EARLY December, 2014 RNT posted a story with the following headline, "Rome & Floyd County residents should have a new, less-confusing
local government website to visit soon". Maybe RNT should consider doing the same to their own confusing, layered, cluttered mess of a
website. This is right up there when RNT lectured a local museum having "money troubles" as if RNT should be dispensing financial advice amid
its embarrassing $10 million bankruptcy with several hundred creditors.
EARLY December, 2014 BREAKING NEWS! ... BREAKING NEWS! Well, not really
but RNT sure thought so & felt compelled to let you know about this: "The Wendy's in Cedartown is no more after the restaurant closed its
doors this week". Yep, that actually appeared as a "story" in the Rome newspaper. RFN can't decide what's worse, the fact that RNT posted
this at all or that it was a store in ANOTHER DAMN COUNTY! What's even more ridiculous is that instead of posting important info about an MVA
with injuries backing up traffic for you to avoid, RNT chose to post that during that same time with absolutely NO mention of the MVA, ever.
Unbelievable folks!
LATE November, 2014 Well, it happened again folks. In a contest to outperform the bankrupt local newspaper RNT, Mr Hometown Headlines
outdid himself with yet another round of continued, ongoing, extended, expanded, complete, dramatic, over the top, wall to wall, back to back
to back to back smotherage of an incredibly common thing, the construction of an already widely known fastfood restaurant chain! This time, we
were spared from a slideshow, just scroll down for past info. It seems the two are in a neverending contest to see who can give new local
businesses the most FREE advertising weeks or months before their doors even open, all while their current PAYING sponsors subsidize the free
ads disguised as news & don't seem to get it or care. But Mr HTH still hasn't figured out that RNT is the only local ad entity that will
benefit from any revenue from these "stories" (AKA: pre-ad sales pitches) with future coupon ads, etc after they open. This time, Mr HTH
informed all of his followers about a sign on the door that said "Opening Soon". Assuming it was not a commonly borrowed, lifted, contributed
&/or unattributed picture (imagine that) (AKA: someone elses work & effort), in his typical "good enough" style, he even posted an illegible
drive-by picture of it from a car 15 ft away because nobody expects him to make any effort by getting out of his car! But his loyal viewers of
ads disguised as news (AKA: media releases) by his sponsors & friends weren't left wondering what was to come from those two brief words on the
sign. Oh no, as usual, Mr HTH delivered his typical supplemental & compelling storytelling that only HE can compose to enhance the readers'
experience as to what it's really like to witness the creation of a fastfood restaurant. See for yourself >> HTH
LATE November, 2014 BREAKING NEWS! ... BREAKING NEWS! Well, not really,
because we all get the following & other safety lectures every year from multiple media sources but doesn't is sound informative? Well, RNT
sure thought so by posting yet another canned annual FYi "story" with a headline that said, "The key to surviving severe weather is being
prepared". Really? Did you really need to be told something that should be common sense? That is so ridiculous that RFN is not even going
to link to that most informative story because the headline sums it up just fine. The most disturbing part is that there are still plenty of
people willing to PAY for a daily newspaper that fills its pages with that & other worthless content just like it.
MID November, 2014 Another financial "restructuring" (AKA: BANKRUPTCY) court hearing for RNT got them a little closer to selling their
newsgroup to an interested buyer. Here's RNT's watered down coverage of their legal proceedings >> RNT
- And as expected, the most boring name in local news AND RNT's other biggest fan has more to tell >> HTH 1,
>> HTH 2
AND >> HTH 3
EARLY November, 2014 It's really no surprise but it's worth mentioning AGAIN how RNT's rush to be first & their extensive use of inexperienced
interns has burned them yet again. This time it was RNT's hasty cut & paste of a media release either without reading it first or reading it &
just not understanding what should have been omitted which probably caused RFPRA to run out of cookies & Kool-Aid after RNT invited the entire
county to a media-only event. The beginning of the release was an invitation to all local media & NOT for the public to see stating, "The Rome
Floyd Parks and Recreation Authority respectfully requests your presence at a press conference on November 13 at 11A . . .". RFN & the other
2 local media sources removed that part but RNT did not and will not because they have already forgotten about the entire thing because they
have moved on to copy & paste hundreds of other news stories (AKA: media releases) that nobody ever reads. In the past, RNT has also posted
private cellphone numbers & other info from a media release sender's e-mail signature because they just copy & paste everything & don't pay
LATE October, 2014 The bankrupt Rome newspaper group was being considered for a buyout by a Marietta Media Group. RNT finally learned a
while back that they can't hide the details of their $10M bankruptcy debt & all kinds of other embarrassing financial information before other
local media posts it so they now at least make a modest but pitiful attempt to inform you of their current status when they choose to. Of
course & as expected, during rolling, ongoing layoffs since the internet began eroding traditional media delivery & amid many other examples of
extreme cheapness, RNT's top top "executive" gets a "consulting" fee for 20 months after the sale, if approved >> RNT
- RNT wasn't even the first to break the news of their own bankruptcy declaration back in January of 2013. But if you think RNT has told you
the whole story, they have not. The most boring name in local news AND RNT's other biggest fan has more >> HTH
- The most boring name in local news, Mr Hometown Headlines, finally took some public heat from someone other than RFN recently.
This time, it was for his repeated "biased" coverage of a local high school football game. He explained that because he has a
student at that school & therefore attends their games, that is why he posts more content about their games. He also reminded
his critics that his main site has a number of links to other games' info. The fact that he had to tell them about that
additional game info is indicative of the lack of knowledge of it by that person & others demonstrating the lack of exploration
and/or the low amount of click-throughs, reaches or engagements from FB to HTH's main site to see that other info. A fact that
ALOT of Facebookers either don't know about and/or don't like to admit. RNT would like to think that most, if not all, of their
23K FB & Twitter followers actually click on the story links in their FB & Tw posts, but they don't. The percentage of successful
click-throughs is very small. Just because there are alot of "LIKES" or followers, that doesn't guarantee click-throughs. RNT's
& HTH's PAYING sponsors should take note of that because their ad presence & money is being spent on the main websites, NOT on
Facebook or Twitter which is where most of the viewers are staying. It's surprising that the critical posts of HTH have not
been removed as another earlier post on another topic that questioned HTH's typical overzealous hype was when he described 150
views of a recent local video as being "VIRAL". It doesn't matter if he deletes the comments now. RFN has the screenshot.
MID September, 2014 In order to appear relevant & technically savvy, the usual press-releasing, no-news media suspects,
RNT, Mr Hometown Headlines & WRGA made sure YOU knew about the release of the SIXTH generation of a popular smartphone. RNT
sent a top level reporter to take a picture of the 15 person "crowd" to include it in a "story" that had only one sentence.
Not to be outdone, Mr Hometown Headlines went as far posting a two-image slideshow with a more detailed description of this
incredibly common thing starting with "we’re getting reports this morning of lines around the proverbial buildings ...".
Really? WE? Doesn't he mean I, as in himself? So, people in Rome have nothing better to do than to contact Mr Hometown Headlines
to inform him of a 15 person "crowd" at any given store location to buy a cellphone? He then went as far as noting the
anticipated traffic jams caused by these overwhelming crowds. That guy is UNBELIEVABLE with his overzealous reporting. And
finally the radio station, Mr HTH's "strategic" media partner, gave their version of the same momentus event but their angle
was at a different location! None of them are even worth linking to or screenshotting this absurdity to prove it, so please
take RFN's word for it. It's bad enough that RFN wasted the time to write all of this but Romans need something good to laugh
at every now & then.
MID September, 2014 RNT >> jumped the shark
once again to save its >> sinking ship.
Instead of a typical meaningless "story" about a chain grocery store's GRAND OPENING (AKA pre-ad sales pitch), this time it
was a slideshow to let YOU know about an incredibly common thing, the construction of an already well-known fastfood chain
restaurant! Yep, there's heavy equipment, a concrete slab, wood, scaffolding, an assortment of other building materials &
dirt. But multiple angles of the location are provided to make sure you get the complete picture. There may or may not have
been an accompanying "story" about this unique event but RFN didn't even bother to look >> RNT SLIDESHOW
Of course, don't look for any criticism about this from Mr Hometown Headlines. He considers that slide show as some more FREE
intelligence imagery to prepare his much anticipated continued, ongoing, extended, expanded, complete, dramatic, over the top,
wall to wall, back to back to back to back smotherage of its grand opening! Mr HTH may even post his own slide show since he
discovered that amazing technology a short while ago. The difference betweeen RNT & HTH in the battle to inform the public
about this highly anticipated event for FREE is that HTH will NOT make any money from future ads. But why should he worry
about that when he already has several PAYING sponsors that have been subsidizing other businesses' stories (free ads) posted
on his site for years?
Until that time though, Mr Hometown cannot be outdone. Yep, the most boring name in local news chose to show a TWO-image slideshow
of not construction, but the empty lot of a soon to be built Mexican fastfood restaurant chain with a big bell in the
logo. Hmmm? You heard right, a TWO-image slideshow. The absurdity just never ends.
MID September, 2014 This happens every now & then but when it does, it never makes sense. Whether it's an over-the-top
detailed "story" about a wreck with a dented fender or bumper, no injuries, no charges and/or no police report, it's something
like this: RNT: "Police responded shortly before 11P to a report of an armed robbery at a local bank's ATM in West
Rome. However, officers on the scene determined that the third-party call was the result of a misunderstanding and no robbery
had occurred." Yes folks, that, in its two sentence entirety, was actually posted & not removed from RNT's site when
found to be absolutely pointless. It's not known if it was actually printed in their paper but probably was since it's down
to about 3-4 pages recently. RFN removed the business name & location to protect the innocent.
LATE June, 2014 RNT posted the following comment on their Facebook page, "Thanks for visiting our facebook page and
commenting! We've reached 20,000 likes this morning!". Has the bankrupt RNT AND its creditors that it owes millions to
overlooked the fact that a VERY large percentage of that 20,000 people don't buy their newspaper because they get the info
for FREE on RNT's Facebook & website pages? And yet creditors continue to give RNT money or "work" with them to manage their
massive debt load of $10M to several hundred creditors. Unbelievable.
not really. But RNT wanted to make sure you knew about yet another grocery store chain that was coming to town by showing
you crews erecting the store's sign. This would've typically been "slow news" content provided by RNT & HTH whether it's a
new sign, paving their lot, getting new paint, floors, ceiling, total remodel or whatever (see other examples below), but not this time for RNT.
This was actually a typical RNT pre-ad sales pitch in yet another attempt to save its >> sinking ship
in the form of early FREE advertising to make it easier for RNT's ad sales team to get that new account when that store
eventually opened. Then there's the eventual and typical continued, ongoing, extended, expanded, complete, dramatic, over the
top, wall to wall, back to back to back to back smotherage from Mr Hometown Headlines about their grand opening. The only
difference between the two is that RNT will eventually get paid for it & as usual, all of HTH's current PAYING sponsors will
subsidize this new store's free ads disguised as news. And they still don't see what's going on.
Early June, 2014 HEY! THIS IS YOUR LAST WARNING! It seems as though the thought police
at Rome's premiere AM news radio station, W...R...G...A had seen enough trash talk on their Facebook
page & decided to tell the offenders a thing or two with the threat of being banned from their page if they continued. Just
like at RNT, some power hungry teenage intern at this radio station must have gotten a thrill to tell all 20 of its commenters
to cool it, OR ELSE! Would somebody please remind that twit that they work at a little bitty AM radio station in Rome, Ga &
nobody really cares about their kindergarten scare tactics? If the viewers of both only knew what was on the other end lecturing
them. Here is the warning that was posted: "It has been a while since we have posted so please let this serve as a warning
but in the future, violations will be an automatic ban from our site. Please refrain from using abusive language or cursing
when commenting on stories. We all love a good debate but please keep it civil. Again, this is a warning and any future
cursing or abusive language will result in an automatic ban.
LATE May, 2014 RNT wanted to let YOU know several hours after an annual concert event started that "the crowd was
still rocking just after 9:30P at the fairgrounds". That's right folks, somebody at the paper actually took the time to
post that one sentence about something that nobody but the participants would actually care about anyway. Seriously,
would anybody at that event really go to the paper's site to find out that they, in fact, are still rocking or might
they already know that they are still rocking because they are, in fact, actually there in the act of rocking?
not really. A local police agency accidently re-sent a media release about a missing child that was lost and found safe FIVE
days earlier. As usual, RNT, the media release copy and paste machine, mindlessly re-posted the SAME release they got earlier
as if it was new information. At least RNT didn't apply the BREAKING NEWS banner to it as they and another local news source
are known to do for hours or days-old content. RFN caught the error right away and notified the police agency to confirm its
MID April, 2014 Mr Hometown Headlines made sure you knew about a local restaurant (a chain) was offering a new
sandwich. Oh, and it happens to be one of his top level sponsors, by the way. Just another example of his shameless
advertising disguised as news >> HTH
not exactly. Berry's mother eagle disappeared for about 1.5 days & Mr Hometown Headlines got hysterical about it during a
radio show. But when is he not hysterical & over the top about anything? When he saw that she had returned, he actually
interrupted an interview with a guest to make note of this momentus event calling it BREAKING NEWS. He even left the room to
tell the radio news staff. Then, the social media fanatic, that has a well known, ongoing terminal case of SMD (Social Media Disease),
immediately posted the BREAKING NEWS not once, but twice and consecutively to ALL of his platforms, in case you missed it. If
Ga Power could figure out a way to harness Mr HTH's hyperactive energy, we could have a completely green bio-energy source >> SCREENSHOT
MID March, 2014 One of RNT's teen club Facebook "managers" really showed their age, inexperience & idiocy when they
paraphrased a local police lookout which had a misspelled word. Someone commented on that error & the brilliant RNT FB admin
replied saying, "you'll have to speak with the police department about that". Like that RNT twit couldn't have easily
corrected that word that they copied off the PD's FB page since they had already cut down the amount of original content
anyway. Yep, THAT is what's taking over America's newsrooms folks. This entry is not about the misspelled word. It's about
the fact that RNT just doesn't care, even while its in the middle of bankruptcy. Take a look at some of RNT's teen-speak
Twitter post examples below trying to capture a younger audience.
SOMETIME IN 2014 RNT decided to include a section on its website called "What We're Reading". . . . . WHO CARES! Maybe
RNT should be more concerned about its multi-million dollar bankrupcty, paying its hundreds of creditors & paying its staff
liveable wages rather than telling its shrinking audience what it's reading.
LATE ENTRY It's not exactly new but this little
gem was temporarily misplaced & then found so it just had to be highlighted. When this link is gone, the original will be in
the late January 2014 listings where it is now below. To see it now, click >> HERE
MID March, 2014 Did an RNT intern actually believe this or did they post it because it sounded unusual and might get
some much needed clicks to help save RNT's >> sinking ship?
. . . Yeah, they probably did believe it considering the poster originally spelled the location as BattERy Dr, which is actually
Battey Dr, in the title AND the body of the report. However, it was corrected later. The report stated a woman's house was
burglarized within five minutes of her leaving. Really? You may agree that it takes at least five minutes to get in your car
& back out of the driveway. According to what the victim said she did during that time, more than likely she was gone longer
than she thought while this happened. See for yourself >> RNT
MID March, 2014 A newspaper's FB page paraphrased a police BOLO which had a misspelled word. Then someone commented on that misspelling. A
brilliant newpaper representative then replied saying, "you'll have to speak with the police department about that".
Like they couldn't have corrected the word that they copied off the PD's FB page since they already cut down the amount of
actual content anyway.
MID March, 2014 The following demonstates the dangers of copy & paste newsgathering. WRGA noted that a vacant store at
the corner of Shorter Ave at Marigold in W Rome would soon become another business. The location that was listed in the radio
station's report was Shorter at Magnolia Ave. The problem with that is that location does not even exist because the roads
mentioned are nowhere near each other. Mr Hometown Headlines, WRGA's "strategic" news partner, is known for paraphrasing,
sampling and copying & pasting their content and this was no exception. He copied that incorrect info & further propagated
the wrong information. This is not about the mistake of the primary source posting the wrong info because mistakes happen.
This is about mindless copy & paste journalism with little to no proof-reading. But who cares? Nobody really reads that stuff
anyway, right? What more would you expect from a serial press release vending machine.
MID March, 2014 Mr Hometown Headlines is usually really good about falling in line and not making waves so as not to
upset Rome's royalty but this time he really went out on a limb, grew a spine & some guts. Not really though. Just when you
thought he did some real, home grown, investigative reporting, he actually tailgated the AJC so they could take the fall for
openly exposing it first then he could claim it was already common knowlege. This is a common tactic for media sources that
don't want to make enemies or upset sponsors but still feel the need to mention a touchy subject. It should be noted that RFN
sometimes tailgates as well, but RFN links & does not paraphrase and/or copy & paste other media sources' work, with or
without consent. The subject matter involved a Rome native's / House Representative's support of a bill that involved
mandating local government entities to use licensed members of an industry that her family is heavily involved in.
EARLY March, 2014 RNT actually took the time to post the following "story" on their website: As expected with the new
teen-like staff running the night shift, the story's title was "No worries about sirens in Coosa" and stated, "Residents
in the Coosa area were disturbed shortly before 11P by a number of rescue vehicles racing by with sirens blaring. An FCPD
official said they were responding to a serious medical call at a private home." That's right folks. The sirens on that
night were somehow different than any other night. So much so, RNT just had to tell you about it. You have to know just how
often late night emergency calls occur to truly appreciate just how insignificant & unnecessary that RNT "story" was to post.
But it's just one more to add to artificially inflate the story count at the end of the year to impress current & potential
naive sponsors.
LATE February, 2014 As Mr Hometown Headlines was posting his daily, obligatory, extensive list of local press releases
(AKA: free advertising subsidized by paying advertisers), what seemed to be a standard media release from a new candidate
announcing an intent to run for a position on the Floyd Schools Board of Education was also in the mix. But in this release,
Mr HTH intentionally removed one important part that was included by the sender. It was the fact that the candidate was a
reporter working for another local news website. It's obvious that Mr HTH removed that info because he considers them a local
news competitor but it was important to include that info because it showed a possible conflict of that candidate serving on
the board of education and potentially having to report on his fellow board members and himself. The candidate even went as
far as saying that as a reporter, he was going to make sure everything was transparent. Suprisingly, RNT actually posted the
entire, unedited media release. Way to go Mr HTH! That's some real objective journalism right there.
LATE February, 2014 Even though it was a while since his last report, Mr Hometown Headlines came through again by
providing an RNT bankruptcy update about the failing paper. This time RNT's bankrupcty attorney was seeking $37K in legal
fees >> HTH
LATE February, 2014 RNT >> jumped the shark
again with a new low to attract viewers attempting to save its >> sinking ship
by posting a second "story" about an habitual teen runaway just to stir up more conversation on its Facebook page
. . . and it worked. What made this time even worse was that the previous incident had only happened just a few days earlier
and with nearly identical circumstances. Make no mistake, a missing teen with issues is nothing to trivialize but it's almost
comical that RNT would post this type of "story" twice and just days apart as if they were some trade magazine for runaways.
LATE February, 2014 Once again, RNT fell victim to the clock-in, copy & paste press release, clock-out & then forget
about it routine by posting a release about the pending hatching of a local eaglet without checking the actual status of the
much anticipated event. So they missed it! Because of the haste & not checking further, RNT was unaware that the actual media
release was already old news because the eaglet had already hatched an hour earlier. Because they never bothered to check,
that pending, old, irrelevant info was on their site until the next morning. Even the Atlanta tv stations & probably other
out of town media posted the hatching info before RNT. And again, banks just keep on funding these incompetent, bankrupt
idiots. It's a good thing someone's life never depends on RNT's decisions.
Well, not really but WRGA, Rome's premeire AM news radio station, must be using the same teenaged staff pool as RNT to operate
their Twitter page because it looks as the poster thought the following announcement was worthy of that priority title & posted
it on their Twitter page during the second snowstorm of the year: "BREAKING! Xxxxx College campus closed on Wednesday!"
Then they did it again a week later for a high school. These are the same folks that post BREAKING NEWS in BIG two inch tall
letters on their website for stories that are sometimes hours old. But if their audience had not heard of it yet, maybe it is
The same radio station also posted the following on their Twitter page: "A listener says 5 inches of snow is already on the
ground in Armuchee today!". As if it only snowed that much in Armuchee and not in Rome just a few miles away. However, it
could have started in Armuchee then moved into Rome but did it really dump 5 inches in Armuchee and then move into Rome?
Probably not. So, why in the world would they have posted that?
MID February, 2014 Once again, Mr Hometown Headlines, Rome's premiere amateur meteorologist, did not disappoint laying
waste to all the local competitors, his "strategic" AM radio partner & probably the Weather Channel too with his continued,
ongoing, extended, expanded, complete, dramatic, over the top, wall to wall, back to back to back to back smotherage of Rome
Snowfall 2014 Part Two! And as usual, there were serial posts of the SAME info dominating his main page to make sure you got
it! Scroll down for more examples of this overzealous behavior.
EARLY February, 2014 RNT's teenaged staff did it again. This time they redefined how fires are fought in the following
Twitter post: RNT "They're closing Alabama Highway for a few minutes while they hook up the hoses". Really? So it only
takes a few minutes to hook up hoses & fight a fire now? Then they posted this on their website more than an hour
later, ". . . closed down part of Alabama Highway for more than an hour . . .". Left hand, meet right hand >> SCREENSHOT
- Just scroll down for more unbelievable RNT teen club tweets.
EARLY February, 2014 RNT DATELINE: RNT's Facebook population, also known as a
FREE viewing audience, reached singularity by meeting or possibly exceeding their
PAID print subscriber base of around 14K +/-. With leadership like this they ought to be out of business in no time. An RNT
management meeting may have sounded like this, "how can we increase our online presence, engage & retain a paying
online audience to ensure that we stay in business? Well, since our main website is so boring & confusing, let's create a
Facebook & Twitter page where we can pre-empt our print edition, when not withholding it for later, informing the public of
local news for free & lure viewers away from our website that has our PAYING sponsors many hours before we deliver our
print-for-pay edition filled with old news." That's just brilliant! The question is, how do RNT, their paying sponsors &
the banks that continue to provide them with financial support not see this?
The dual FB & Twitter followers that actually count as one person, along with automated, parasitic, pseudo "followers" that
plague alot of accounts, would reduce RNT's artificially inflated FB & Tw numbers. The question is, what happens when RNT's
non-paying Facebook & Twitter following significantly increases in the near future continuing to lure viewers away from their
main site with paying sponsors? Even though FB & Tw are typically used as previews or sources of discovery for followers,
successful click-throughs from them to a main site are not guaranteed & have a higher abandonment rate than most site
operators would want to admit. This is a scenario that ALL media website operators and their sponsors should be investigating.
EARLY February, 2014 In a rush to tell it first, it seems coherency was low priority in this report from WRGA, Rome's
Premier AM radio station and other news leader, second only to its "strategic" media partner Mr Hometown Headlines. WRGA posted
a story more confusing than father's day on seal island. From top to bottom, note the red & yellow boxes that link the
conflicting "facts" in this breaking news event >> SCREENSHOT
LATE January, 2014 Well, one of RNT's teen-like social managers must have been really bored while chewing & popping
their bubblegum & twisting their hair when they summed up RNT's entire existence by posting the following statement on RNT's
Twitter feed describing a well known male, teen pop singer that was arrested for drag racing & DUI "This has absolutely
no local or intellectual value - but its kind of amusing nonetheless" >> RNT Tweet SCREENSHOT
- And that person gets paid to post stuff like that while RNT is in bankruptcy. [ >> back to top]
LATE January, 2014 "We're being flooded with calls & texts", stated Mr Hometown Headlines, Rome's premiere amateur
meteorologist, who once again outperformed all the local competitors, his "strategic" AM radio partner & probably the Weather
Channel too with his continued, ongoing, extended, expanded, complete, dramatic, over the top, wall to wall, back to back to
back to back smotherage of Rome Snowfall 2014! And as usual, there were serial posts of the SAME info dominating his main
page to make sure you got it! As for being flooded with calls & texts? Seriously, do you really believe that a significant
number of people actually contact somebody like Mr Hometown for critical information and advice? Scroll down for more examples
of this overzealous behavior.
LATE January, 2014 RNT Snowjob: Yes folks, the Rome newspaper did it again, by actually posting the following to ONLINE
viewers about their PRINT edition's delivery being delayed because of heavy snowfall. "Road conditions likely to hamper
newspaper deliveries tomorrow . . . but updated delivery information will be posted online throughout tomorrow". So RNT
can post info about the paper's delivery status on their website but NOT the actual news, huh? Then, the very next day they
did it AGAIN with this, "The Rome News carriers are in the process of delivering today's & yesterday's newspapers to
homes & businesses around Floyd County". It went on to list a circulation department number if you needed help but they were
closed! Left hand, meet right hand. Just how many people would read that on RNT's website then wait & pay for 24-48 hr old
news that they already saw for free the day before on RNT along with every other local news website? Does RNT expect you to
un-know what you discovered the day before? That's right up there with RNT's occasional excuse for incomplete online story
info by saying "further details not available at press time". Really, there's a press time cutoff for a website? And
yet banks continue to give this bankrupt "news" operation financial support.
MID January, 2014 RNT continued in desparation to save its >> sinking ship
attempting to be relevant & attract younger viewers by instructing their new teenaged staff to compose RNT's Twitter posts as
if they were talking to their friends on their personal accounts. It's hilarious to see RNT's serious side in print &
on the main website, then their teen club side on Twitter. See for yourself with RNT wishing YOU a good night and >> Sweet Dreams SCREENSHOT
and the original >> Hey Man! SCREENSHOT
MID January, 2014 "Watch a video of eagle hatching an egg, more on the way?" Well not exactly because
the egg had only been laid 24 hrs earlier. But that was the Headline for the duplicate story posted by Mr Hometown
Headlines only 12 hours after the first one, in case you missed it >> SCREENSHOT
- Posting duplicates of stories is a common practice for Mr HTH. Just scroll down for examples.
Well, not really but RNT did >> jump the shark
again trying to save its >> sinking ship
by posting a "story", actually just a single picture, informing all of Rome & Floyd county that the fire department was removing
all of the 2013 Christmas decorations. That single picture with no accompanying story counts toward their monthly & annual
story count that helps determine their ad rates. That's why you'll see alot of out of town or non-sensical "stories" mixed
with local content. They also think that tactic makes their site look busy. That more-is-better trick was also tried by
producing 100s of worthless videos & it failed. But it all adds up. Yep, it's as ridiculous as RFN taking the time to post
this info about it.
EARLY January, 2014 Mr Hometown Headlines, Rome's premiere amateur meteorologist, outperformed all the local
competitors, his "strategic" AM radio partner & probably the Weather Channel too with his continued, ongoing, extended,
expanded, complete, dramatic, over the top, wall to wall, back to back to back to back smotherage about the cold weather that
is usually typical for this time of year. Yep, FOURTEEN out of fifteen consecutive posts counted on the SAME page were
about the freezing weather telling YOU to stay at home along with info about the temperature, school closings, business
closings, etc. complete with a "relief center round-up" post in case you missed the other fourteen posts. Has Mr Hometown
thought about the fact that those that need that kind of assistance probably don't have internet access or wireless devices
to see his "helpful" information? He even went as far as telling everybody in Rome about schools in several out of town
surrounding counties being closed. Just more evidence of his terminal case of SMD (Social Media Disease).
EARLY January, 2014 This is co-incidental but also shows how the RNT drones consistently post content on their site
without thinking. On the very same day RNT posted a story about a downtown business suddenly closing without notice & then
posted a story just a few posts up on the same page with a heading that read "Downtown Rome not just surviving, but
thriving". Unbelievable!!! It's as bad as copying & pasting statistics that nobody ever verifies showing unemployment
rates being up, then down, then up, then down, and on and on. It should also be noted that not one word was mentioned about
this business closing from Rome's News / Business News LEADER, Mr Hometown Headlines. But he can tell us about yet
another fast food chicken restaurant chain & many other duplicate businesses opening in neighboring towns & counties even
though we have them here in Rome as well as posting multiple, sometimes 3-4, nearly identical dramatic weather reports
complete with CAPITAL LETTERS and BOLD type all on the same page to ensure everybody knows about the pending doom from
rain drops or cold weather.
EARLY January, 2014 RNT wants to make sure you know it was NOT done intentionally, three times in
three consecutive sentences.
"'There was moderate damage to the side of the barn & the shed,' he explained. 'There were no injuries reported and we
know the fire was not set by the occupant or the owner of the property.'"
"While the fire marshall's office is still investigating, Johnson does not feel the fire was intentionally set."
"'It is hard to say, we are still looking into it, but I do not feel this was an intentionally set fire,' he said."
LATE DECEMBER, 2013 Mr Hometown Headlines again won the award for the most borrowed content along with the highest
number of pre-written press release posts of all local media. Yep, it was an absolute shutout HTH win for copy & pasting or
embedding copyrighted content with or without consent from the respective owners.
MID FALL, 2013 A local AM radio station started running heavy promos stating "the world is changing along with the
way people get their news . . .". Just a little late & naive but what an observation! Kind of like RNT's desperate attempt
to be relevant & attract younger viewers by instructing their new teenaged staff to compose RNT's Twitter posts as if they
were talking to their friends on their personal accounts. It's hilarious to see RNT's serious side in print & on the
main website, then their teen club side on Twitter. See for yourself, MAN! >> Hey Man! SCREENSHOT
| >> Sweet Dreams SCREENSHOT
- And that's one of many with more likely to follow. RFN welcomes them all to the 21st century!
MID December, 2013 Mr Hometown Headlines demonstrated his ongoing skill at product placement (AKA: ads disguised as news)
by informing all of Rome that a new chain restaurant was just about to open in W Rome. And to make sure you knew the exact
location, he was sure to include a nearby landmark, also an HTH sponsor, as a reference. This could have been an unintentional
random coincidence but he also took the extra step to create a hotlink to this landmark reference's website. If he was really
trying to help you find it easier, why not mention the longtime & better known national chain store on the other side of that
new restaurant that is NOT an HTH sponsor? Or perhaps mention the even better known huge strip mall landmark reference across
the street as the reference? The answer is clear with HTH's documented history in previous similar incidents noted below with
future examples sure to follow.
EARLY December, 2013 RNT >> jumped the shark
again desperately trying to stay relevant by attempting to outdo Mr Hometown Headlines in an ongoing contest to see who can
inform everybody in Rome about the most out-of-town news. This time RNT thought it was necessary to tell everybody that an
SUV caught on fire in Calhoun.
EARLY December, 2013 Mr Hometown Headlines felt the need to remind everyone in Rome about the rescheduling of not one,
not two, but three OUT OF TOWN Christmas parades due to bad weather. Yes, the internet reaches everywhere but why
would people in Rome want to know about this? It is quite possible that Mr Hometown actually believes that there is a
significant audience in those other counties that like to look at out of town news too like he thinks Romans do. Actually,
Mr Hometown likes to post things just because he can, whether anyone reads it or not. It satisfies his terminal case of SMD
(Social Media Disease).
LATE November, 2013 First tried by RNT back in the middle of 2013 copying the Associated Press & under the name of
"10 Things You Should Know This Week", with no apparent effect, RNT has once again tried to save its >> sinking ship
by resurrecting the same type of top stories gimmick. This time RNT called it the "Top Ten Most Read Stories" of the
week, complete with what they consider impressive viewer numbers for each story. Rest assured, the numbers they're touting are
not impressive, especially considering that RNT is a household name in Rome & Floyd. The totals have to be manually listed by
them now because ever since RNT dumbed down their website again in late October, the realtime story view counters went away.
Although it's pure speculation, the removal of view counts was probably to prevent current & potential sponsors from seeing
just how few viewers actually visit RNT's site. A few months back Mr Hometown Headlines tried copying RNT's gimmick with his
"X number of things you should know" but he got real creative by making up a magic number each day. Yep, it was hilarious, 4
things you should know today, 6 things ..., 3 things ...,7 things ..., 5 things ..., etc. and some days there just wasn't
anything you needed to know about. Then there was the morning edition, the "mid" morning edition, etc.. He eventually gave up
as with most of his past failed gimmicks.
LATE November, 2013 RNT's >> sinking ship
lost a staffer back in February and among others, this one allegedly came back with a vengence threatening other staffers &
planning a future act. It has to be hard for anyone to work in that oppressive environment surrounded by absolute ineptness,
cheapness, idiocy & overpaid incompetent management but couldn't that person have just walked away? Yep, RNT ate one of its
own by wasting no time posting the info on its website going as far as quoting the arresting officer that said "***** made
violent threats & planned to perform an act in January". That's right, RNT quoted what the officer said even though
they obviously already knew it first hand since it happened there. So, why were there no dramatic interviews with those
that were threatened like they more than likely would have included in a story for an outside incident like this? This is
speculative but it could be that some of the notoriusly miserable working conditions would be exposed or RNT probably felt
the need to keep it objective since they are known for maintaining their distinct objectivity . . . . not really. But posting
the info so quickly online despite the embarrassment was probably to show the "suspect" who was really in charge or . . . . .
to make sure that they (RNT) were the first to report it because they couldn't even "break" the news about their own bankruptcy
in January 2013 before it was leaked hours earlier >> RNT
LATE November, 2013 Oops, he did it again! Another "in case you missed it "story". But this was no accident
because it wasn't an identical post. Yep, Mr Hometown Headlines posted info about the grand marshal for the 2013 Christmas
parade but just had to make sure you knew about it by posting it again just a few hours later the same day. This was clearly
an ad disguised as news which is typical for Mr HTH. In one of the versions it stated "The ADVERTISER sponsors the grand
marshal for the parade each year and has done so since 2003". Although it was obvious, maybe he probably should have also
disclosed that the parade sponsor was also a longtime HTH sponsor. He openly disclosed another "story" / ad campaign in a
week+ marathon for a commonly sponsored event weeks earlier by prefacing them with "sponsored ad" (see below). When Mr HTH
mentioned his "new" sponsored story feature for his website back in August, he wasn't kidding. Names, pictures & logos have
been removed to protect the innocent >> SCREENSHOT 1
LATE November, 2013 Mr Hometown Headlines got "scared" & made sure everyone knew that a gold star representing a
future outdoor life retail location, 20 minutes outside of Rome by the way, had disappeared from a future store locator map.
He then did some investigatin' and was relieved to inform everyone with an UPDATE, complete with a typical full scale HTH
graphic comparison display (with & without a gold star), that it was just a website error & had been reposted to the site.
The real question is just how many "affluent" HTH followers are interested in Bass Pro Shops anyway? >> HTH
Well, not really but a Rome radio station just had to be the FIRST to let you know that a popular event was going to appear
in Rome, again. That's right, it has become an annual event, 3 yrs now, and occurred only 1.5 months prior to this posting but
they just had to be the first to tell everybody that it was coming back ELEVEN MONTHS LATER! Then of course,
not to feel outdone, RNT had to follow with their report. Suprisingly, Mr Hometown Headlines, Rome's press release vending
machine and the mentioned radio station's "strategic" media partner, had not said a word about it, at least at the time this
was posted here. He was probably still digital dumpster diving reading his endless supply of daily social media feeds to inform
you of "tomorrow's Rome news, today" & to satisfy that terminal case of SMD (Social Media Disease).
MID November, 2013 Once again, in a desperate attempt to post something, anything to appear relevant, Mr Hometown
Headlines >> jumped the shark
by stepping down from his mountain top of upper echelon news taking a moment to inform his self-described "affluent" audience
about some grungy street level news. This time it was another traffic alert associated with a structure fire but what made it
odd was that it happened in another county and what made it even more odd was that it only involved an outbuilding >> SCREENSHOT
- This is almost as insignificant as a dumpster or barrel fire. This isn't the first time that he has posted useless out of
town info like this on his Rome site either, just scroll down for more. This type of behavior is stranger than RFN taking the
time to complain about it.
EARLY November, 2013 Mr Hometown informed everybody in Rome/Floyd that a large outdoor retailer was coming to
ACWORTH! RFN must have forgotten that the anyone anywhere can access Hometown Headlines on the
internet & HTH may have felt that the people of Acworth would discover their local news on his website in littly bitty
Rome, Ga.. It appears as though Mr HTH's SMD (Social Media Disease) has mutated into post-anything-you-see disease whether it's
locally relevant or not. Just scroll down to see several other examples of HTH posting out of town info that makes absolutely
no sense.
EARLY November, 2013 After intoxicating itself with pre-voting lectures to the public for weeks prior to voting day,
RNT celebrated the SPLOST "victory" with a followup "story" to remind and educate everyone about just how important the
benefits of this package are to the area >> RNT
- RNT also went as far as posting a poll asking viewers what their first out of three other choices would be to start the
spending with the tennis center as the first one listed. Aren't the media suppose to remain neutral reporting the news
instead of being a part of it by giving their unsolicited opinion/agenda?
EARLY November, 2013 RNT and HTH both >> jumped the shark
out of desperation to stay relevant and of course, be the first to tell it but as expected, it was "news" as usual
from these two. A chain restaurant that has been in the mall's food court since it opened twenty-plus years ago got a
cosmetic change to its space along with a new sign with a slightly altered name and POOF, it was reported as a "new"
restaurant complete with a ribbon cutting and appearance of Rome's top leader.
EARLY November, 2013 RNT managed to escape another bankruptcy hearing extension, at least partially. This time it
was until late November >> HTH
LATE October, 2013 As predicted earlier by RFN & HTH (RNT's other biggest fan), RNT launched a "new" website shortly
after the publisher resigned, which is not necessarily related (see info about that below). The only
problem is, it's not new at all but it is more confusing than father's day during the salmon run in Alaska. The domain (.com)
name was registered back in 2012 & was in use for RNT's online sports content since that time. It is
now RNT's main hub for all of their regional news content platforms which is the only new thing about it. The view counters
for each story are gone which will help RNT hide from sponsors the fact that no significant amount of viewers are seeing their
ads, as if they actually checked. One new feature boasted by RNT is the integration of Facebook allowing viewers to submit
articles & pics for RNT to use for FREE, of course! Yep, just another way to pull viewers from their main site where the
paying advertisers are, stupid! This comes after RNT's media content director openly pandered to sports kids' parents to
submit FREE pics & video from their sports events because of RNT's limited staff, see that info & link below. So basically,
this "new" site is the same useless, mostly out of town, drivel but with a different name containing enough syllables to rival
the entire alphabet along with a different & an even more cluttered layout with smaller text. It is unknown if this has
anything to do with RNT's bankruptcy restructuring but surely their creditors & the courts will not be fooled or impressed by
this cosmetic change.
MID October, 2013 Mr Hometown Headlines outdid himself and broke a previous record of his for continued, ongoing,
extended, expanded, complete, wall to wall smotherage of a local event complete with a GRAND FINALE and a mile long ticker
just to make sure you got the message! (see the "Druck" Dynasty-fest entry below). This time HTH
posted an obviously spoofed story with fictional characters which was actually a notice about the event that was produced by
a local government department and sponsored by a big local name that is also a sponsor for HTH as well. The rub wasn't the
spoof, because it's good to know the old windbag has a since of humor, it was the fact that it was prefaced with a disclaimer
as a "sponsored post" and was posted daily with only a slight difference in content each time. So what's wrong with saying
it's a sponsored post? Well, nothing if that is a rare occurance and it doesn't happen to include one of your existing sponsors
ensuring that viewers know its context but HTH is known for posting ads disguised as news on a daily basis so why bother
noting that this "story" was any different? This "sponsored ad" was posted daily, sometimes twice on the same page along with
mile long ticker that nobody reads (see ticker-test entry below) crawling across the page slower than a
turtle in an arctic freeze with one instance posted three times on the same page more than a week before the event. He
then finished the campaign off with >> THIS,
a superimposed graphic overlay complete with a dramatic annoying faux newspaper story to once again make sure you knew about
this event. Did you notice the postings just underneath that overlay? Yep, it was TWO MORE postings about the SAME thing! It's
not clear if Mr HTH's overlay trick was an attempt to show off a recent addition to his "new" content display technology or a
preview to yet another annoying gimmick to serve up ads on his website. That's old tech, by the way. This comes shortly after
Mr HTH criticized RNT for running a one-day full front page notice/ad for an ongoing awareness campaign. But for HTH to
post this daily and expect viewers to not start rolling their eyes? This is not the first, and likely not the last, time that
Mr HTH has or will post something again within a short time to remind everyone "in case you missed it" as he put it. Yep, a
few weeks earlier, he posted a "story" about one of his major sponsors offering a unique procedure and then re-posted it
again a few days later with the tag "in case you missed it". You just can't help but wonder did Mr HTH really care that
much for people to know about that info to compell him to post it again on his own or did a little birdie possibly land on his
shoulder & whisper a suggestion that maybe he should run that "story" again? After all, they are paying him. And Mr HTH says
that his sponsors don't shape his news, yeah right. Of course, it is quite possible that Mr HTH genuinely wanted to help
promote the event described above because of its true value to the community and/or wanted to reward its sponsor with a little
extra exposure for being his sponsor too. But with his predictable history, the latter is more than likely the reason. Just
scroll down this page to see many more examples. In other words, if that event's sponsor was not his sponsor too, you may
have heard about it once or possibly not at all.
MID October, 2013 RNT posted a short slide show of crews installing a new roof over an exterior dining area at a
longtime Broad St restaurant & RNT advertiser. So did RNT use an x-ray vision device to discover that this activity
was in progress in an enclosed hidden area? Well no, "somebody" more than likely called RNT and said "hey, this is the
owner/manager/etc of ??? on Broad St and we're installing a new roof. Why don't you take some pictures and talk about it in
your paper?" RNT, "sure, we'll send a photographer right away. By the way, you haven't told anyone else about this have you?
We want this to be an exclusive story".
MID October, 2013 For some strange HTH reason, Mr Hometown Headlines thought it was necessary to post a notice to tell
people in Rome about a road that was closed in Cartersville because of a bad wreck. Just Google Map HWY 113 at Lucas Rd in
Cartersville and ask yourself how info like that more than 40 minutes away out in the middle of nowhere could possibly be of
use to someone in Rome. This isn't the first time he has posted useless out of town info like this on his Rome site. This
type of behavior is stranger than RFN taking the time to complain about it.
MID October, 2013 Since the opening of the new ?ublix dominated the local "news" sources by posting non-stop ads
disguised as news, the two biggest offenders, RNT & Hometown Headlines >> jumped the shark
AGAIN by providing endless smotherage of a new downtown hotel. Who needs to pay for advertising when you've got these two
giving it away for free. Why don't the other PAYING advertisers on both sites, especially HTH's, question why THEY are
subsidizing all of the other free ads?
MID October, 2013 Although Mr Hometown Headlines did come through with his obligatory mention of the ?ublix grand
opening, he provided less than the expected dramatic, continued, ongoing, extended, expanded, complete, wall to wall, live
smotherage of the momentus event after getting the reputation for crying wolf by teasing the local citizens over the last
several years with hollow reports of its pending arrival in Rome. Surely all of Rome was disappointed to not get hourly,
second by second or minute by minute updates on all 100 HTH news platforms leading up to the ribbon cutting complete with
relentless reminders of HTH's groundbreaking slideshow technology, HOMETOWN SEEN! Maybe Mr HTH's ego was deflated because he
didn't measure up to being an ad platform worthy of their requirements therefore not did not secure an advertising contract
like RNT (see RNT's ?ublix bailout below) AND his "strategic" radio partner did. Either that or his radio partner told him to
stay away from that revenue source. It has never been understood why that radio station would actually pay someone that
competes with them for local ad revenue.
Well, not really. Rome's new ?ublix opened its doors & RNT made sure all of Rome & Floyd county knew about it along with its
other 10 "stories" yapping about it in the 1 to 2 weeks prior to the big event complete with an appearance from Rome's mayor!
Yep, there was plenty more "news" smotherage about it the day it happened too. But after reaching the fourth paragraph of
this unbelievable "newsworthy story" it was quite clear what RNT was really up to. These free ads/stories were the least RNT
could do to thank ?ublix for the much needed ad revenue infusion to at least temporarily keep RNT's >> sinking ship
afloat. The following infomercial was strategically placed close to the beginning before most viewers would stop reading
because of overwhelming boredom: "You’ll notice a BOGO (buy one, get one free) ad in today’s Rome News-Tribune. The first
of what will be regular ?ublix insert circulars featuring weekly specials will be coming in the Wednesday edition of the Rome
News-Tribune". It was also noticed that RNT had disabled the comments section, as they do with arrests & other touchy
content that they don't feel like babysitting, to ensure their new cash cow is not offended. This may be what RNT has needed
to keep its >> sinking ship
afloat because they surely can't afford to lose this infusion of revenue to pay off millions to hundreds of creditors during
their bankruptcy >> RNT
MID October, 2013 Amazingly, RNT managed to be the first to post this info but as expected, it was quickly scrolled
out of sight on their website where it's now only available in a search. But of course, RFN has the direct link secured below.
As suspected, RNT's former publisher, Otis Raybon, who resigned amid seemingly endless bankruptcy hearings through 2013,
resurfaced at a Mississippi newspaper called the Daily Leader after rumors and that company's jet was reported to have been
spotted at the Rome airport a few times weeks earlier. This defies all logic to hire someone who is so far out of touch with
new technology and obviously does not understand the production process of quality digital content and delivery by clearly
demonstrating the inability to manage a small newspaper and then be expected to manage an even larger operation efficiently.
As of this posting, a quick look at the "Leader" website revealed that they don't produce any video content which means they
are even further behind than RNT. Then add the fact that they have just hired this person that does not have a clue about new
technology. the eventual result will be another failed operation >> RNT
EARLY October, 2013 RNT >> jumped the shark
AGAIN! This time it was twice in 24 hours and all of Rome & Floyd county got to learn that the gas pumps at the Kroger had
shut down and the East Rome Krystal was getting a makeover >> RNT Krystal
- As for the Krystal "story", RFN has made reference to this type of non-story content which usually only involves one or two
fixes to a business periodically posted by RNT and Hometown Headlines as ads disguised as news but the following partially
covers RFN's >> LIST
of ridiculous "news" in a quote from the Krystal story, "Basically it involves redoing our lobby for our guests, redoing
the parking lot and putting on a whole new coat of paint inside and out" complete with new floor tiles, ceiling and
pictures. These were e-mail alert / social media-only type "stories" if there ever were ones but oh no, RNT just had
to post it on their site & probably wasted paper, ink & space to also place them in their print edition too. With more
enterprise reporting like this, RNT should be out of bankruptcy in no time.
EARLY October, 2013 RNT got another bankruptcy hearing extension. This time it was until late October >> HTH
EARLY October, 2013 RNT >> jumped the shark
and crossed the media line again by posting, more like campaigning, multiple "informative" editorials (AKA: lectures) to
educate the rest of us about the importance of passing another controversial SPLOST rollup package for 2013. RNT also made
sure these posts were not scrolled off their main page until voting day had arrived. Just go to RNT's site and do a search
for 2013 SPLOST to see the absurdity for yourself. But you better believe their self-reported, diluted bankruptcy disclosure
notices were scrolled off real quick. The last heated media line RNT crossed was when it slammed a local CRBI environmentalist
in an editorial (AKA: lecture) for holding up the progress of building a shopping center on or near a wetland area. Then after
the bankrupt RNT got that small bit of desperately needed attention in a pitiful attempt to save its >> sinking ship,
they continued posting typical updates about the CRBI and its water quality reports like nothing ever happened, almost as a
silent apology for the failed public attack. Just scroll down to find that info and link.
EARLY October, 2013 Well, better late than never! But TWO YEARS late? RNT finally discovered & more than likely
thought that they informed all of Rome & Floyd county for the first time that RCPD has a dedicated vehicle tag scanning
unit as well as quoting RCPD's chief as saying "We have gone into the 21st century". Among many other examples, this late
discovery clearly shows that RNT has not caught up to the new century yet. This may have been relevant back when it was
actually put into service waaay back in the year 2011, but, of course, that's when RFN first
posted the detailed info, images & a demo video of how the system works >> RFN
- RNT's tag scanning story also mentioned an online local >> Crime Mapping
service which RFN posted & has been promoting for the last several years. Next thing you know, RNT may even mention that RFD
has "new" red fire trucks that are now 2 yrs old, by the way. And RNT wonders why they're in bankruptcy.
LATE September, 2013 RNT's year in review and another update on its bankruptcy status gets a feature story on >> HTH
LATE September, 2013 STOP THE PRESSES! If you are a local parent, you may not have to
take pictures of your kid's sports event and send them to RNT for FREE (see RNT pandering content below),
at least not until after the "new" staff arrivals quit. RNT responded to longtime staffers abandoning their >> sinking ship
by announcing some "new" faces to the organization >> RNT
- But in reality, they're not really new to RNT at all, with this being the "new" sports editor's SECOND announcement to
mention himself reminding everybody of his promotion >> FIRST TIME
- As for the others, they're just recycled and renamed from interns to fulltime, complete with the same long hours, low pay &
pittance of reimbursement for the use of any personal gear or their cars just as the ones who left because of the those same
conditions. Interestingly, these "new" staffers seem to have stronger resumes than the "new" (drop-in) sports editor that
introduced them. As RNT's staffing history and huge turnover rate shows, these fresh faces will have an RNT service life of
about 1.5 to 2 yrs before they too burnout and leave, only to be replaced by another set of "new" very young, ambitious and
naive interns converted to journalists.
LATE September, 2013 If all the RNT staff falloff was not bad enough, RNT kind of followed the lead of the Miami
Herald's desperation but has not asked for voluntary donations, yet >> Miami Herald
(once there, pick a link). So far, RNT's "new", more like drop-in, sports editor >> jumped the shark
by pandering to all local sports kids' parents for FREE pictures from events due to low staffing at the paper >> RNT
- That's right, RNT wants you to work for FREE, just like when they tried to recruit bloggers to work for free several years
ago. If you're not aware, most regional & national media platforms solicit the public for free content but at least they don't
expect you to work for free on an ongoing basis. But RNT essentially wants parents to be their "temporary", more like full-time,
surrogate photographers for all seasonal events at least until they (RNT) are solvent again. This will become standard
procedure if continued long enough. RFN knows all about this having pitched video to the regional affiliates & national
networks regularly competing with free and cheap quite a bit. It should be noted that because RFN has no staff and IF it used
citizens' content for free, it could be significantly more efficient in covering local news too. But RFN is not cheap. In
fact, RFN has been offered FREE content from its viewers numerous times but has declined to accept it because of the inability
to pay a fair licensing fee. RFN also does not borrow or lift content from other sites with or without attribution like others
do. If RFN uses your content, you will be paid for it! What do you have to say about being asked to work for FREE by a
company as financially irresponsible as RNT while their "executives" live the high life running up huge unpaid debts and
paying incredibly low wages to an overworked understaffed workforce? >> COMMENTS
LATE September, 2013 Well, it was just a matter of time. In addition to the lead sports writer leaving in the recent
past (see entry below), yet another key crewmember jumped from RNT's >> sinking ship
amid another bankruptcy court hearing. This time it was the advertising director >> HTH
MID September, 2013 It seems like all hands on deck were jumping from RNT's >> sinking ship
- The newspaper lost another key writer from its staff. This time it was the longtime sports editor >> RNT
- An ad was placed on an industry job board looking for a fresh writer that apparently would not mind working in conditions
that prompted the former writer(s) to leave >> SCREEN SHOT
- Oh, and for anyone reading this that is interested in that highly sought position, RNT has requested that "no calls" be
made when inquiring about it. But that's how it has to be when you're busy running a successful newspaper. RNT finally
decided to post this announcement more than a week after HTH did. The new media director / sports writer did take the sports
editor position within days. More than likely, the decision had already been made but was posted to conform to employment
laws. An ad was placed for a new sports writer with the added benefit of working on an Emmy nominated football show that,
according to the view counters, nobody watches along with various other meaningless job descriptions that sure didn't impress
the banks & other creditors owed millions amid bankruptcy filings >> SCREEN SHOT
- This now means he'll actually have to make some effort to manage the video and sports departments and if insider info is
correct in addition to the low quality of RNT's video product, look for his departure next because he's not known to actually
do much of anything.
MID September, 2013 IF you are a fan of a certain Duck, not Druck, Dynasty castmember that made an appearance in Rome,
the dramatic, continued, ongoing, extended, expanded, complete, wall to wall, live smotherage of the pending and actual
arrival of the reality show's "star" by Mr Hometown Headlines did not disappoint. After being incessantly reminded ad nauseum
by HTH over the weeks prior to his arrival, he managed to post SIX separate sequential "stories" >> 1
| 2
| 3
| 4
| 5
| 6
about it on the SAME page of his main site complete with a multimedia barrage of text posts, NEW / UPDATED image galleries
along with low quality pixelated phone video dominating his Facebook page, all within 12 hours. At least RNT spreads out their
spinoff/duplicate stories a few days apart. But RNT does that to appear busy whereas Mr HTH is just maniacal about posting
something, anything and then pressing a send button, a classic symptom of SMD (Social Media Disease). You would think a world
leader had arrived. Mr HTH has not been this excited since the rumor started about Publix having plans to build in
Rome 8 years ago! One can't help but wonder if the sponsors actually know what they're paying for on that website. This kind
of fanatical behavior has gone from a little comical and annoying to just plain creepy. Just wait until Mr Hometown is made
aware of the Duck Dynasty Chia Pet collection.
MID September, 2013 Mr Hometown's head just got a little bigger. Yep, Mr HTH recently posted a story about a former
politician reacquiring a radio station with some alleged questionable activity in a nearby city. He then proceeded to make a
comment on how that radio station was "tiny" >> SCREEN SHOT
- Aside from that story's core information, is it also possible that the station in question is a competitor of another
station that HTH occassionally collaborates with in that area? But while we're on the topic of "tiny" radio stations, Mr HTH
needs to be reminded just what and where he comes from while broadcasting his little bitty insignificant AM
radio show. And yes, RFN can not only talk the talk but can also walk the walk because quite a bit of RFN video content has
been purchased for significant licensing fees and distributed around the world by top broadcast & cable tv networks. Has any
regional or national media platform EVER picked up or paid for Mr HTH's fine journalistic pieces? NOPE!
MID September, 2013 It was only a matter of time, just two weeks after the BIG format change at HTH that essentially
transformed it into an even bigger nauseating ad platform than before. But now Mr Hometown has >> jumped the shark
in desperation by not only teasing this "newsworthy" announcement all day but also by posting a promotion for FREE
biscuits offered by a local food chain restaurant as a standalone news story >> SCREEN SHOT
(names removed to protect the innocent) - And if that premium news wasn't bad enough, it was followed
by a link to "expanded updates" of the promotion to, you guessed it, their Facebook page! Expanded updates of free biscuits?
Oh, was it mentioned that this is one of HTH's new feature sponsors? Why bother, it's typical shameless HTH behavior to post
ads disguised as news. Just scroll down to see other examples. What a travesty suffered by the journalism profession.
MID September, 2013 RNT >> jumped the shark
again with a story like no other, the trash collection and porta-potty pickup after any given event in Rome. Yep, with
enterprise storytelling like this, RNT has secured its success for decades into the future >> RNT
EARLY September, 2013 Mr Hometown Headlines introduced some ground breaking technology to Rome, Floyd and the world!
Actually, it's nothing new and has been heavily used on most modern websites, even RFN, for quite some time. For some reason,
judging by his overzealous promotion of his new picture gallery feature, Mr HTH apparently thinks he's introducing a new
technology to his audience under the name Hometown Seen. This excitement doesn't make much since though since he has imposed
the use of several SMD (Social Media Disease) sites on his audience for the last several years with any new services sure to
EARLY September, 2013 Oops! Mr Hometown Headlines, the reigning king of borrowing or lifting and altering images of
others' work from websites, more than likely without their knowledge & with rare attribution, recently posted a screenshot,
among countless others. This time though, he forgot to crop out all of his browser's open tabs and shortcut icons at the top
while in a rush to post it on at least one of his many social media platforms, guess which one. So now everbody gets to see
what Mr HTH likes to view online. It's kind of like getting caught nekked or in your underwear but is probably what you'd
expect from the most boring name in local news. Just take a look >> SCREENSHOT
EARLY September, 2013 RNT's >> sinking ship
got yet another bankruptcy court extension, the domain (.com) name, >>,
registered a year ago is currently in use for RNT's online sports content signaling a possible rebranding and/or enhancing
their online presence with better search engine optimization by using the word "Rome" & a newspaper known for acquiring other
regional papers had its corporate jet spotted at the Rome airport - something is up and it sure ain't RNT stock >> HTH
LATE August, 2013 RNT's publisher, Otis Raybon, resigned from his >> sinking ship
amid the newspaper's ongoing, embarrassing bankruptcy filings & court procedings >> RNT
- Who wants to bet that Mr Raybon will stay associated with RNT as a "consultant", at a distance and wearing a designer
lifevest, of course? Unfortunately, among the other RNT "executives", he is a HUGE reason for RNT's failure by being so aloof
and arrogant by not learning, implementing or hiring competent management that fully understands new technology for delivering
news that has overrun RNT making it obsolete. Check back for more info.
LATE August, 2013 Somebody needs to tell Mr Hometown Headlines that NOBODY reads news tickers, especially very
slow, jerky, minute-plus tickers. How does RFN know this? Well, RFN tested a short 6 inch long news ticker window years ago,
when tickers actually were innovative, cool & relevant, and placed a message in the middle (about five seconds
into the message) offering $200 CASH to the first person to spot it. Although several thousand people visited
the page with the ticker in plain view over a period of time, NOBODY responded to that offer for FREE cash. Apparently he
thinks because it looks neat, people must read it just like all the other gimmicks & crap that is silently downloaded in the
background from the HTH site. Don't believe it? Well, the next time you visit HTH, take a look at the lower left of your
screen to see all the external website names and URLs loading widgets, advertising trackers, scripts, etc. into your browser
from all kinds of strange website sources that he "trusts" as safe. The truth is, he more than likely doesn't even know all
that is happening. Unfortunately, this is the case for alot, if not most, heavily ad and social media loaded websites infected
with SMD (Social Media Disease).
EARLY August, 2013 Well, RNT's idiocy continues with more desperate creative writing. It seems the failing newspaper
has an issue with the Floyd jail's online daily jail reports as well as a live dynamic report showing the current jail
population at any given time. In addition to the many other ridiculous comments made by RNT, the following statement was made,
"The database can be accessed along with daily arrest records on". Really? Is RNT so out of touch as to not know
that this "new" live jail report was publicized & posted on several other local websites weeks before RNT decided to even
mention it? Has RNT forgotten that it repeatedly posts quite a bit of the "frivolous" arrests on its own website AND in a
weekly publication called the Roman Record? See the absurd blog for yourself >> RNT
EARLY August, 2013 Well, RNT has >> jumped the shark
again. This time, the newspaper that filed for bankruptcy restructuring in early 2013 and should be making every effort to
retain PAYING subscribers decided to attack a local CRBi environmentalist using some rathy sh!tty wording. This kind of
behavior even makes RFN appear sane >> RNT
LATE July, 2013 Mr Hometown Headlines announced BIG changes for his website. Well, if it's
anything like the other "BIG", overhyped "enhancements" in the past, get ready to be forced to view, sign-up or participate
in yet another wave of social media gimmicks as he flaunts his case of terminal social media disease. Check back for detailed
comments about these nauseating feature "improvements" but for now and if you can stand to read it >> SCREEN SHOT
LATE July, 2013 Did Mr Hometown Headlines actually make some effort to drive to a meeting and grow some guts to cover
something controversial other than the posting a smothering daily dose of copy & paste happy press releases and free ads
disguised as news? Well, absolutely not. But what he did do, to keep himself insulated as usual, was to recap what someone
from his "strategic" A.M. radio partner reported concerning the heated debate between the CRBI and a local commercial
property owner wanting to further develop the Riverside Pkwy area.
EARLY July, 2013 The spring and into the summer of 2013 provided an abundunce of rainfall. And in a desperate attempt
to stay relevant, more like stay in business, RNT showed its determination to be competitive by going head to head with Mr
Hometown Headlines to dethrone Rome's top amateur meteorologist who, once again, hosted a radio guest to inform all of
us just where these water drops came from. If it's not daily nauseating repetitive weather reports from both sources with an
assortment of confusing, useless, dramatic graphs, charts and technical terms, it's recycled radio guests from out of town
that nobody has ever heard of just so the interviewer can try to look impressive. RNT went as far as posting an article to
tell us that soggy ground makes trees highly prone to falling.
EARLY July, 2013 For some bizarre reason, Mr Hometown reminded everyone in Rome / Floyd that it was free slurpee day
offered by 7-Eleven stores. But wait, there are NO 7-Eleven stores around here! Well, he followed the notice with an even
more bizarre comment, "the trick, finding the nearest 7-Eleven" >> SCREEN SHOT.
This is not the first time Mr HTH has made such bizarre statments, such as the several mentioning chain stores opening in
surrounding counties that are already here in Rome. Just scroll down to find those.
EARLY July, 2013 A popular local bakery scored bigtime before & after re-opening but it surely didn't worry about much
advertising costs to promote it because two local news titans, RNT & Hometown Headlines (complete with typical "contributed"
photo, of course), tried to outdo each other with endless stories (AKA: FREE advertising) for at least two weeks prior to its
re-opening. RNT managed to create FOUR spinoff "stories" with an obligatory slide show about this momentous event. That's
right folks, this stuff is typical TOP news in Rome, Ga., depending on where you're informed. The bakery owner should prepare
for a future call from RNT's desperate ad/sales department to return the unsolicited "favor".
EARLY July, 2013 Mr Hometown posted the following on his website, "Rome Police are warning the public about a scam
related to fake calls from UPS and FedEx about delivery of bogus packages" >> SCREEN SHOT
- What? UPS & FedEx are making fake calls? No, actually scammers were posing as these carriers to verify if residents were at
home. During the intense wave of local news that day, Mr HTH must have overlooked the wording, when rewording the
release that was very clear. Maybe he should have stuck to the typical copy & paste procedure to ensure the info maintained
the correct wording while posting his daily crush of press releases, AKA, ads disguised as news.
EARLY July, 2013 Well, "Rome's BUSINESS news leader", Mr Hometown Headlines failed to report a significant local
business story once again. This time, it involved a longtime lumber company filing for bankruptcy owing around $450K+ to
several creditors as reported by RNT. Scroll down to see several other high profile business news stories that went unreported
by Rome's "leader" in business news. Maybe if that business had gotten a new sign, painted their building or had the gravel
changed in their lot it would have been typical HTH headline news.
EARLY July, 2013 During an ALL DAY rainfall, RFPRA's media relations person sent out the following release, "The Northside
Swim Center will be closed today because of the weather". If that's not ridiculous enough, what's worse than that? The copy &
past press release machines RNT & HTH actually posted it on their sites! And what's even worse than that? RNT posted that
info buried inside text about weather postponements for Cave Spring events!
LATE June, 2013 Ooops! They did it again! Why does RNT continue to bring attention to the fact that a print edition of
news or anything is quickly becoming an obsolete delivery method? RNT posted a note about a print insert being discontinued
because everything is now available online. It's not clear what is more ridiculous, the fact that they are just now admitting
that fact or that they are actually bringing attention to the obsoleteness of their entire print product. See how prophetic
the parodied text below really sounds when their entire print edition is substituted into that note. And it may very
well happen too.
PARODY: If you are into saving things, today's "RNT" might be one for the 'who remembers this?'
category. Today's "RNT" will be the last one that you ever see. The final appearance is because of a number of changes in how
most of our readers figure out what’s in the news each day. Most of today's local and national news is available with the
click of a button. That instant access can tell you what's happening right now, while the print version is limited by 24 hrs
or more. For those who will miss the publication, do not fear. We will continue running full online versions each day that
offer a glimpse of news, sports, business, etc.. (RFN: As if it matters if it's in print or online, drivel is drivel)
LATE June, 2013 A popular local bakery that had alot of its equipment stolen during a location move got the Hometown
Headlines drama treatment. Yes, in yet another bakery "story", among others posted by Rome's "news leader" RNT, Mr HTH, had
to give his assessment adding that this was worthy of "national attention". Yeah, he's probably being facetious but considering
all the other HTH antics on this page, maybe not >> SCREEN SHOT
- At least this bakery got some typical free HTH advertising subsidized by the other HTH paying sponsors! This story
was followed by much needed info about local donut "wars". Welcome to smallville.
June, 2013 Why RNT will go out of business sooner than later. Heavy storms ran through Rome/Floyd resulting in a tree
falling on a house & causing an area power outage. During that same time, RNT not only failed to mention that incident but
managed to post a "story" about a few wrecks reported on I-75 near Cartersville, at least 40 minutes outside of Rome. By the
way, RNT also posted that in their LOCAL news section.
June, 2013 RNT had another go at trying to save itself from inevitable failure during its long bankruptcy "restructuring"
by yet again >> jumping the shark,
this time using a live Twitter feed as a way to keep its dwindling audience interested in a typically boring RNT news article,
whether online or in print, for a trial involving an ex-judge. Yep, just that subject matter alone dramatically cut down their
audience's interest, not to mention the ridiculous short bursts of boring info on the feed due to the 140 text character
limit per entry. The only "brilliant" move with this tactic was for them to embed the feed into that story's page thereby
keeping their website audience on their main site instead of offsite at Twitter where most would stay anyway as it's the same
drivel just a different location. But according to the before & after count of their Twitter followers, it failed miserably
and quite honestly as expected.
June 2013 RNT, "Studio Central’s Face to Face is back from a short spring hiatus . . ." Hahaha, hiatus?! Does anything
else really need to be said about that statement? Yes ... yes it does. RNT's entire video lineup is in constant viewer hiatus
status, according to the ZERO viewcounts.
May 17, 2013 The following notes were spotted by RFN printed in RNT's paper & may appear randomly or daily but RFN just
caught it while doing a spot check. Either way it's still ridiculous. The following info printed in the paper tells people
who already PAID for a paper about other places to find the same news for FREE, thereby hastening RNT's eventual & inevitable
failure! RNT: "Looking to get your news in a different way? Check our Facebook & Twitter pages". What kind of bank(s)
gave loans to business minds like these & what bank(s) continue to give loans to minds like these during their current bankruptcy
"restructuring"? One thing's for sure, in the near future a few banks are going to be out of ALOT of money & becoming real estate
agents to manage all the seized RNT assets because they trusted a bunch of yahoos that still live in the dark ages not having a
clue about 21st century technology.
Here's RNT talking to their print readers as if they were kindergarteners. In reality, because most of the 55 & below readers
do not bother with print, especially if there's a fee, it's probably RNT's pitiful attempt to convince their oldest & most
loyal 65+ demographic (no offense to seniors) to convert to the online edition through a paywall which will NOT happen. That
group will go to their graves with a print edition in their hands. And now boys & girls RNT, "you can easily see what
stories other Romans are reading on our website. A list of MOST READ STORIES appears just below the "top stories" box at the
top of the home page. It displays the headlines that received the most clicks in the past couple days. You can see the number
of views for any story by clicking to read it". Does anybody really care about the most clicks or how many views a story
gets? And finally, RNT proceeds to describe their website's search tool as if it is a breakthrough in technology. Much to their
dismay, the search results actually reveal a list of the SAME stories with different titles that are recycled over & over
passed off as originals when one continued, updated story about the same topic would suffice. But they've got to appear BUSY
for those sponsors & the naive newspaper sheep that fall for it every day.
May 8, 2013 - Mr Hometown Headlines and his "strategic" partner WRGA both found it UNnecessary to mention that a
prominent local attorney, & former Ga House Rep / Senator, was arrested on felony charges while still in the courtroom area.
This is one of a few other incidents that Mr HTH has gone silent with over the last few years. Yep, it's either silence or a
very brief, generic mention or followup buried among alot of other boring press releases and "news" about his friends or their
businesses, etc.. So why is this significant? Well, if this arrest had never happened & that attorney was still a sitting rep
or senator and had done something "notable" like attending a ribbon cutting or buying some land on Broad St, he would surely
have made the HTH/WRGA "talkshow" lineup featuring the daily recycled, patronizing crap (AKA: the Crock Report) promoted as
"local news that everybody will be talking about all day" for sure. Yet another travesty and local media fail!
May 2, 2013 - WRGA joins the 21st century, after RNT then HTH recently did, & decides to bring the rest of us there by
informing the public about their discovery that RCPD has been using a website called Facebook as a crime fighting tool.
A full TWO years after it was launched! Of course, RFN has not only been aware, but has been linking to it since the beginning.
Maybe WRGA has known about it but had to use the infamous tactic of >> jumping the shark
in order to make their canned, monotone, boring press release / police report news lineup seem interesting. NEWSFLASH WRGA!
Although launched much later, FCPD & FCSO also have faceyspace pages.
March 25, 2013 - Oops, they did it again! But it's no accident. Just like when caught before, RNT has again posted the
SAME story THREE times on their main page. This has probably happened many other times too but just wasn't caught before it
was scrolled off to further create the illusion of being busy >> SCREEN SHOT
March 18, 2013 - In his typical overzealous hyperdramatic style to provide "continuous weather coverage", Rome's premiere
amateur meteorologist, Mr Hometown Headlines, tweeted a message that Silver Creek residents should have power restored by a
specified time. Well, if Mr HTH had left the safety of his house/office and actually made the effort to get to the scene
himself, like most other local media, instead of what he typically does by copying/posting/borrowing other agencies' work
(pictures, text, etc) with obscure & sometimes no attribution, he would have seen for himself how unrealistic that time frame
was going to be. What made it even worse is that the Floyd County Community Emergency Response Team retweeted that information >> HTH RE-TWEET
March 15, 2013 - Mr Hometown was working for YOU by tracking the removal of some trees at Etowah Crossing on Hicks Dr
that were reported to be a danger to power lines. Additionally, Romans were informed of two fast food chain restaurants that
opened in Cartersville, both of which already have locations in Rome. >> RELATED INFO
So what's the point? Who knows but at least one of them is an HTH sponsor which unknowingly subsidized the mention (FREE ad) of
the other non-sponsor, which is a typical occurance on HTH & RNT. >> BACKSTORY
2nd Week of March 2013 - Mr Hometown, AKA: the Vatican's Rome St Mary's Church / School News Bureau, went wall to wall
with COMPLETE coverage of the announcement of the new Pope along with a simulated ceremonial colored balloon release by the
local Catholic school's students with multiple links, pictures and not one, but two 5 second videos!
Mr Hometown Headlines puts everybody on notice. As silly as it
seems, you have to know the backstory to really appreciate this and everything else below this, for that matter. This is not
really NEW but it was just discovered by RFN so just pretend it's new for now. But no matter what, it's still ridiculous >> DETAILS
March 8, 2013 - Oops! RFN sent out an RCPD media release about a St Patrick's weekend DUI notice to the public. The
only problem was that it was sent out to RFN subscribers & posted on RFN's site on March 8th but the actual provided release
was pre-dated March 11th. Well, it ain't called realFASTnews for nothin'!
March 7, 2013 - EXTRA! EXTRA! Why is RNT going out of business? Well, after filing for bankruptcy in January of 2013
due to millions in unpaid debt to numerous creditors, Rome's premiere newspaper tries a desperate tactic to attract new print
subscribers. Yep, in a time where most EVERYTHING, especially news, is ALL moving online, RNT launches its secret weapon
targeting those that must not know about the internet or like to read 24 hr old news. YES folks, it's a whole FREE month of
the RNT! (with an exclamation point too!) What a brilliant move by a company that is absolutely hemorrhaging cash. Take a
product that is already NOT selling & give it away for FREE in addition to paying for its production & delivery costs losing
even more money! >> FREE RNT PROMO
- Maybe RNT could try asking for voluntary donations like the >> Miami Herald
(once there, pick a link) did back in 2009.
LATE January, 2013 - Amid massive devastation, destruction & death from severe weather resulting in a tornado, Mr
Hometown Headlines had an outbreak from his social media disease (SMD) posting a link to a Facebook storm damage page and
TWICE just could NOT resist mentioning how many "Likes" it had racked up in the following description "Adairsville GA Tornado
Recovery Facebook page launched; already at 1859 likes". UNBELIEVABLE FOLKS! It's actually VERY believable.
LATE January, 2013
- Hometown Headlines posted a short bio marking a milestone & describing its orgin and initial purpose by saying, "Hometown
was supposed to be a 'news consulting' agency or a fancy way of saying public relations service". Supposed to be? What's changed?
It's still nothing BUT a 24 hr press release vending machine! Ohhh, the hypocrisy continues with statements like, "we realized
the community needed an independent news source, one that didn't rely on police blotters and government meeting agendas already
provided on a daily basis". Really, so what's that dedicated daily HTH >> Crime Watch
section, live police scanner feed and various links to government meetings, etc all about? That may have been the initial goal
but HTH has become a duplication of other news provider content because business news in a small market has a very limited
audience and is quite boring. Then there's the statement about the loyal advertisers understanding that HTH's "advertising
does not dictate news coverage". Really? Well, it's abundantly obvious that's NOT the case considering some high profile
business news that was briefly or >> NEVER mentioned
at all. HTH is nothing more than small town softball news.
LATE January, 2013 - RNT loses another longtime staffer. It's not clear if this person left or was laid off due to
"reorganization" after the failing paper's bankruptcy announcement in early January. Yep, less people to do more work with at
least one department head getting way overpaid to produce amateur video content that nobody watches. Video that is so bad,
even the top automated search engines ignore it!
MID January, 2013 - RNT publicly, but obscurely, launched a new domain (.com) name that has replaced the former name
for its templated blanket sports websites that cover multiple area counties operated by parent company, NPCO. The new domain
name was registered back in July of 2012 and has NOTHING to do with sports so it may be a hint as to what is to come as far
as renaming or rebranding the failing, uhh struggling, newspaper since its multi-million dollar bankruptcy announcement.
January, 17 2013 - RNT informed its online audience that the following day's paper may be delayed because of severe
weather. How is this different from any other day of RNT's old news delivery? Yes, RNT really did this. Have they forgotten
about their own website and the fact that whoever read that notice online probably does not read their print edition anyway?
Do they think there are people that will read news on their site & elsewhere for free & then pay for it again later?
Unfortunately, yes, there are those that will do just that.
January, 17 2013 - HTH experiences another outbreak of social media disease (SMD) during its typical drama filled
severe weather TEAM coverage! Yep, Mr Hometown "recommends", AGAIN, that you follow him on social media as well as on the web
in case of power outages or you're away from your computer. Then at the very bottom of an exhaustive list of CRITICAL weather
data, only moderately mentions the AM radio station as another weather info source, the station that has essentially made him
who he is locally.
January, 9 2013 - RNT informed all of Rome that a business supply store in Midtown Crossing shut down momentarily
because of a computer network issue. So, if you own a business and need some free advertising, just put a "temporarily closed"
sign on your front door, along with a good reason, and then call RNT so they can tell everybody about it. It's a wonder HTH
didn't jump on this BIG story too. But then, HTH likes to talk more about new signs, freshly paved lots, painted walls, big
screen tvs and of course, new facebook & twitter posts. So just do those things & you'll get free ad space on RNT & HTH while
all the other paying advertisers subsidize it.
EARLY January 2013 - HTH informed Romans that a large clothing chain store wass closing in a town 25 miles from Rome.
Then, a couple days later mentions the closure of a huge discount retailer in the same town. This, despite the fact that Rome
already has both stores which will remain open.
January 2, 2013 - Hometown Headlines and RNT try to outdo each other to see who can be the first to post RNT's detailed
bankruptcy documents. RFN beats both of'em by posting the announcement online AND informing thousands before they went outside
to get their morning paper to read it. However, it should be noted that Mr Hometown did make some effort the day before by
calling RNT for comments but according to HTH, got the phone not just hung up but slammed in his ear. At least RNT allows HTH
to follow its Twitter page and maybe FB too.
January 1, 2013 - RNT finally comes clean attempting to beat everyone else to the punch with a front page headline on
new year's day stating that it filed for chapter 11 "reorganization". That, along with alot of wishful thinking in the article
as the failing paper lists huge debts for millions as if all of Rome and Floyd didn't already know about it months earlier!
This announcement was supposed to be a secret but being the buffoons that they are, they can't even be first at breaking the
news about their own bankruptcy. A perfect example of why they will eventually fail. The "secret" meeting with employees was
leaked on another site the previous day. The story was held from RNT's website all day to make sure people paid to see it in
print. How about that? Getting people to pay you to read about your own bankruptcy >> RNT
January 1, 2013 - Hometown Headlines, the site that leaked the "secret" meeting info and takes every opportunity to
rake RNT over the coals as much, if not more, than RFN, must have been sleeping under a rock all new year's day because it
didn't have the new Chapter 11 info posted until much later that day. Then HTH seemed to think people really cared 36 hours
later by promoting discussion about it on a local A.M. radio show that has no significant audience.
RNT says, "The Floyd County Sheriff's Office releases its jail intake report twice daily". No it doesn't. The arrest report
delivery schedule is customizeable to each recipients' needs. But those RNT robot employees will believe anything they're
told. RNT requests it twice daily to outdo the "competition". According to RNT, the same "competition" that supposedly does
not exist. Hometown Headlines used to post it twice daily but NOW posts it THREE times daily to beat RNT and the others. The
"others", like RFN, get the report each morning at 4 a.m.. So, the others beat RNT in the morning & RNT "beats" the others in
the evening but RNT does TWICE the work and >> Hometown Headlines
does THREE times the work for nearly the same result. However, RNT is hastening its demise because it used to >> charge for this info.
So it now does twice the work AND loses money! Now who's smarter? Really HTH, how many people do you think get arrested
between 4a & 8a to be able to beat RNT by 4 hours? And finally HTH, how many of your "affluent" viewers look at jail reports?
Talk about somebody that doesn't know their demographic.
December 2012 - RNT ends its 6th year continuing to produce and post live and on-demand "news" and sports videos even though
the view counters remain at ZERO. Their video producer has to justify his position somehow even though RNT has had a huge turnover
of video staff, been in serious recent financial trouble and lost alot of assets.
MID Dec 2012 - RFN's EMPTY Facebook page recently got TWO "likes". RFN created a Facebook page in 2010 but has
intentionally never posted any content there. And yes, MUCH more that two people visit RFN's main website everyday. >> RFN Facebook
LATE Nov 2012 - Early Dec 2012 - In general, it's not the first time but Hometown Headlines posted going-out-of-business
reports for two longtime local businesses well before they closed. This basically equates to FREE liquidation ads for their
last days. RNT mentioned the same thing, BUT, RNT has been PAID for ads placed by those businesses over the last 30+ years
and was probably also paid for going-out-of-business ads AGAIN in the final few days. So the FREE RNT ads, disguised as stories,
are more like a complimentary "thank you" from RNT who laughs at HTH and the others who give it away for FREE! As mentioned
before, why don't the PAYING sponsors on HTH have something to say about these and ALL the other FREE ads, disguised as
stories, repeatedly posted on HTH over the years? >> MORE INFO
LATE November 2012 - RNT claimed sole credit for breaking the Rome Children's Dentistry police raid story and for being
the reason the phones at RCPD rang off the hook about filing complaints against that business with the following statement,
"The barrage came after the RNT reported the opening of a criminal investigation into the dentist office . . .". This, despite
the fact that general media release was sent to ALL local media and that CBS Atlanta was there and broadcast their story to
millions, not just the few thousands of RNT's dwindling audience. Yep, their story on this was written by the same airhead
that did >> THIS
November 29, 2012 - Hometown Headlines added yet another groundbreaking gimmick to its lineup that requires users to
register. This time, it's an automated service that alerts users about new local college sports info when it's posted, yep,
from all FOUR of them. However, he forgot one important thing, to see if it works. The link to the new "service" has resulted
in an error page since its launch >> SCREEN SHOT.
It's pretty bad when you don't even test your own links. Does HTH not wonder why nobody is registering for that service? Also,
has the Social Media Diseased (SMD) HTH forgotten about endlessly pounding his visitors over the head about FB, Tw, etc, etc,
etc. for the last few years? Are those info platforms not good enough to deliver new info about local college sports info and
November 29, 2012 - Hometown Headlines, Rome's "Business News Leader" does not say ONE word during or after federal
agents raided Rome Children's Dentistry. RFN, RNT and CBS Atlanta had to tell everybody about it instead. What a travesty!
November 28, 2012 - Once again, Hometown Headlines, Rome's "Business News Leader" fails to mention new info about one
of Rome's top realtors declaring bankruptcy. HTH did not say ONE word about the initial report weeks earlier either. Instead,
HTH waited for RNT to break the news and then quietly mentioned the info on its site. What a travesty!
September 14, 2012 - In addition to being the most boring name in local news, the fast talking, mumbling, mushmouth,
rattletrap, windbag Mr Hometown Headlines, insulting professional broadcasters everywhere, has absolutely no business being
an on-air radio broadcaster. How insulting to all the experienced staff with real broadcast voices at that station that they're
paying an amateur outsider to do what they should be doing. There's no doubt that Mr HTH is a real, accomplished, talented
journalist and wordsmith but it is hard to believe that anybody could fully understand what that guy says among all those
breathless run-on sentences & mumbling going on. HTH's talk radio show sounds alot like this
Mumbles >> VIDEO
The following statement found on the website of the radio station that PAYS Mr Hometown Headlines is ironic since they
themselves repeat the SAME newscast for 24+ hrs from 6 a.m. that morning? WRGA's Hometown Headlines Radio Edition Bio
statement says: "The goal of Hometown Headlines: The Radio Edition is to get you ahead of the news and not just repeating
a headline you've heard or seen before." So, the radio station's news department is doing exactly what their HTH edition
claims to not be doing. Left hand, meet right hand.
September 14, 2012 - Somebody please tell Mr Hometown Headlines if he's going to use the tag line "Your Home for Local
Sports" the use of a link to CURRENT high school football scores should NOT be from two weeks prior! He's obviously not checking
it himself before posting it. Everybody makes mistakes but this happened several weeks in a row! Check your links! All that
press release copy & pasting each day must be confusing.
September 2012 - Hometown Headlines, Rome's "most connected" media source now offers a crime watch section. Yep, a
crime watch section that looks strikingly similar to RFN's collection of local crime
links, including the Crime Mapping service that's been available on RFN for the PAST - TWO - YEARS! After
offering a crime watch feature as just described, is it not also hilarious that Mr HTH thinks that his "affluent audience"
would be interested in daily jail booking reports? Additionally, HTH labels the FCSO 10 Most Wanted as a Facebook page but it
is actually FCSO's main website and NOT Facebook >> SCREEN SHOT.
That Social Media Disease (SMD) is powerful stuff! Weeks later, for some unknown reason HTH removed the Rome Crime Mapping
link from its CrimeWatch lineup.
Some time in August 2012 - Mr Hometown Headlines discovers and gets very upset about RFN's media website feature comparison chart
and asks "what's all this about?" and "what do you think I do all day?" especially referring to RFN's observation and opinion
about Mr HTH rarely leaving a desk to cover news. So, what's that all about? Well, you do ALOT of copying & pasting of press
releases and rarely leave your desk to gather news content, instead, relying on and using a huge amount of contributed content
such as graphics, images, video, etc. that is NOT yours, even though you may or may not have permission. That's what it's
about. HTH seems to overlook or just not know that some entities are very specific about their logos and/or content being
altered to fit its needs. He also seems to have forgotten about repeatedly publicly pitting RFN against RNT on his website
for weeks back in late summmer of 2008, even though RFN kind of liked it. But then cut all association with RFN after it
exposed a scandal at the Rome library, by his own admission, one of Mr HTH's biggest fans, of course! "Ohhhhh, the library
loves Hometown", he said. Not to mention the same place where he got alot of FREE tv time and backpatting for being such a
friendly, noninvasive, easy going hometown news source. Ohhh, it just goes on and on.
Some time in August 2012 - In addition to other past instances, Mr Hometown Headlines again vows to not use video within
his news content because he believes nobody watches internet video and yet he created and maintains a Youtube page, although
its content is not very current and not many have viewed his content. The fact is, he doesn't use video because he doesn't
and never will know how to professionally produce and manage it which is the real reason. And yes Mr HTH, people do watch
internet video, when it's done correctly. RFN does not produce, license and sell it to regional and national networks just
for the fun of it.
LATE July 2012 RNT shoots itself in the foot, adds another nail in its coffin, etc by posting daily Floyd Jail
reports on its website for FREE instead of keeping it exclusively in their weekly Roman Record that is NOT free. How dumb is
that? It did this to "compete" with other local news websites that, according to RNT, supposedly don't exist.
July 2012 - RFN reveals a goldmine of 12 candid internal RNT video interviews featuring RNT executives and department
heads making buffoons of themselves with absurd, eccentric comments and answering prophetic questions like "what would be the
effect if your newspaper were to close and not be replaced?" replying with statements like "The biggest problem is that people
just wouldn't know about anything . . . If we go away, you lose all of it. Because no matter how someone tries, they're not
going to be able to do what we do." This is among significant embarrassing financial problems RNT experienced along with many
other staffing and operational issues in 2012.
Summer 2012 - In addition to many past incidents like this, an RNT reporter gal actually called Floyd 911 requesting
(damn near demanding) that an FCPD official call her to provide details about a serious wreck with injuries. The problem was
that she called just minutes after the first responding officer was notified about it by 911 so he had not even arrived on
the scene yet. This is just one of many ridiculous incidents in RNT's quest to be first in reporting something as their paper
slowly dies.
EARLY 2012 - RNT lays down the law with the following comment posting rule for their beloved website. Somebody needs
to tell RNT that nobody really cares and using big words like "discourse" does not impress anyone. They may want to concentrate
more on their airhead interns because they often forget to deactivate the comment feature. NPCOMASTER: "At this time
is no longer allowing our web readers to post comments on arrest reports. While we realize the importance of public discourse,
many of the comments have been abusive of both the arrest subjects, police and other readers."
EARLY 2012 - RNT and Mr Hometown Headlines (the social media addict) discover RCPD's Facebook page more than a YEAR
after it was launched! You GO crimefighters! Yeah, the same page that RFN had been promoting and linking to when it was only
weeks old.
At some point, Mr Hometown Headlines classified his audience as the "most affluent". Well, at RFN, you can come as you are.
At some point, Hometown Headlines proclaimed itself as the "most trusted" local news source. Says who? Wonder what the radio
station that pays you thinks about that statement because they claim to be the most accurate and dependable themselves.
January 2012 - >> SCREEN SHOT
RNT manages several different websites for their other regional papers. The brilliant website manager or intern at RNT forgot
which template to use when posting an update for their Rome website. The site's title was gone, the graphics and menus were
displaced, the text was oversized and on and on. This "issue" lasted for quite a while and when RFN called RNT to ask if they
were aware of it, the gal that answered the phone just giggled and said, "no".
June 2011 Even though nobody watches the other "shows" RNT produces, for some reason, it decided to produce yet
another one called Seven Hills Spotlight. Wait a minute, isn't RNT a newspaper? After RNT's head video "producer" described
the obligatory "it's a great new show about ..." in the promoted newspaper "story", he went on to describe the 3 - 4 other
"producers" (AKA unwitting volunteers), most or all of which are no longer at RNT. Which helps to explain the utter failure
of the homemade trainwreck after only two episodes. Why RNT management has continued to fund the production of their other
"shows" before & after declaring bankruptcy, owing millions to a huge list of creditors, and paying low wages to an overworked
skeleton staff treating them as if it was a privelage to work there is beyond comprehension.
May 2011 - RealFastNews, the most technically advanced news info site in Rome / Floyd county, heavily promoted a live
video webcast of the local annual Law Enforcement Memorial Service downtown. However, because of one link that was not updated
at the last minute before going live by the everlasting know-it-all RFN owner/operator, only mobile viewers were able to view
the live video webcast and PC viewers loaded a page with a dead link. Yes, even RFN has made a mistake.
LATE 2010 - Hometown Headlines, the premiere name in local BUSINESS news, not only did not cover it but did not even
mention the procedings for the foreclosure of the Music Room in Rome. Only after all the property was sold off was it even
briefly mentioned. But let RNT or any other business fall on hard times or face foreclosure and you'll see current and followup
paragraphs, documents, links, graphs, etc.. Hmmm?
Sometime late in the first decade of 2000 up to the present, Mr Hometown Headlines contracted a serious case of social media
disease and what's worse is that he tries to spread it to his "affluent" audience. Some of these gimmick breakouts of SMD
include Facebook, Twitter, Google+, about.ME (imagine that), Pinterest, Groupon, Save Local, Rebel Mouse, etc.. and on and on
and on . . .
Sometime in Mid 2010s Mr Hometown launches, you guessed it, a Facebook page and posts the following notice to any that
may dare to try to emulate the highly sought after internet property, the brand that is, HOME...TOWN...HEADLINES! "This is
the official Facebook home of Hometown Headlines." That's right folks, the "official" Facebook home of HTH! To ensure that
nobody is confused by all the other Hometown Headlines FB pages in Rome & around the world. Then there's the additional scary
warning that says, "We invite reader and guest comments. However, we do not allow promotions or advertisements on our page or
timeline." After all, Mr HTH, the king of canned press releases (AKA: FREE ads disguised as news) will not be outdone by
driveby spammers. But maybe he hasn't heard that spammers, automated or not, don't give a damn!
May 2009 - RNT's New Media guru extraordinaire video "producer" debuts on Twitter by tweeting the following two of
three total tweets since then. For those that aren't aware, Matchbin is the startup company that makes RNT's low end templates
for its "high tech" website! These messages were from an expo for RNT's new website tools and modules, really exciting stuff
as you'll see. Of all things, the following thoughts are what were running through this guy's head so he decided to share it
with . . . nobody. Just how boring can one's life be? >> SCREEN SHOT
TWEET 1: "Hanging out in Utah at Matchbin is definitely cool". TWEET 2: "Matchbin version 3 of Marketplace looks
great." And then about a month later, TWEET 3: "Patiently waiting at the Emmys". Yes, and you will keep waiting. A
special category was created just for small newspapers because they could not win or be nominated for an award any other way.
It should be noted that RNT gave up on chasing the elusive specially categorized "Emmy" after getting one nomination and then
falling off Emmy's radar completely for the last few years. RealFastNews has never even been nominated for, much less won, an
Emmy. No, RFN has had to settle for working for top national broadcast & cable tv networks viewed by millions.
LATE 2008 - Already previously dabbling as Rome's premeire amateur meteorologist, Mr Hometown Headlines steps up the
drama by posting "complete weather coverage" using exhaustive statistics, oversized, cluttered graphs, charts and animated
weather maps with scary words and colors. Apparently he thinks nobody knows about and is not aware of the
potential liability if/when he gets it wrong.
LATE 2008 - Mr Hometown Headlines loosely refers to other local media as copy and paste journalism. Really, HTH?
August 2008 - Mr Hometown Headlines discovers that RFN actually gets paid by regional and national broadcast and cable
television news networks for its video content after asking RFN with much amazement, "they pay you to do that?". Yes Mr HTH,
RFN does not allow anyone to use and/or manipulate its content for FREE like those that you borrow from on a regular basis
with or without their knowledge and with random or obscured attribution for their images, graphics, video and/or text content.
EARLY 2008 - Hometown Headlines, RNT, the Atlanta Journal Constitution, local realtors/property owners and probably
others got duped BIGTIME by a delusional man claiming to be the CEO of Silverware Studios Inc. looking for a LARGE tract of
land to build a BILLION dollar movie, audio, animation and motion capture production facility complete with a helipad and
commissary in Floyd county that he said was going to rival George Lucas's Skywalker Ranch. His website, now long gone, was
littered with mispelled words, cheap clip art, amateur animation demos and the tagline, "do you feel the multitude?". This
guy was an absolute fraud producing silly homemade Youtube videos with a palmcorder and making claims that were never confirmed
by anyone. But all the local, rubber stamp, press release vending machine media just couldn't wait to break the big news. RNT
still doesn't know it was fake because it's still in their archives. This guy couldn't buy a cup of ice much less build and
manage a billion dollar production facility. Just do a search on the info to see for yourself.
Mid 2007 - RNT launched its new "technically advanced" website. The only problem was that it wasn't much different other
than displaying kindergarten style bubble menu buttons, a clip art logo, oversized text and a layout with different categories
that usually contain the SAME story posted multiple times on that same page >> SCREEN SHOT.
Then, to top off RNT's ineptness, their recently hired website "expert" asks the public how they should organize & operate
their new creation. However, the most interesting new feature was that each story provides a view count. Ironically, this
actually shows how many people are NOT looking at RNT's website considering the size of Rome/Floyd's population. Then there's
the facts that RNT doesn't like to talk about, especially to advertisers, such as the automated search hits from web crawlers,
spiders, bots, etc. that artificially inflate view counts.
MID 2000s - HTH, Rome's business news leader, realizes that local business news is about as interesting as a commission
meeting & just ain't gonna cut it. So he diversifies & begins to offer fill-in news along with a new suite of internet gimmicks
to make this "new" info even more interesting than it already is NOT. But still refers to the operation as Rome's business news
EARLY 2000s - Hometown Headlines gets the website ad sales of the decade award for convincing local businesses to PAY
for advertising on a website whose SOLE mission it is to talk about them anyway, for FREE! On a daily basis, other multiple
small businesses that pay absolutely NOTHING get mentioned as stories located directly under, or in close proximity to, the
premium advertisers' banner ad that is paying a few hundred dollars per month. Unbelievable! None of the PAYING advertisers
seem to get this. Not only that, but they are paying for inneffective ads displayed to the SAME daily audience. And no, RFN
is not jealous. Just because a website has multiple advertisers (some being tradeouts) does NOT mean the operator is not barely
getting by. There is almost always some type of unrelated, secondary income involved. RFN does not and will not work for free
or next to free. If the viewers only knew what's really going on in the news business.
Since the launch of the internet as we know it or maybe even sooner, some or maybe all local radio stations repeat the same
news block from 6 a.m. all day for 24 hours. In addition to automated programming, they post stock graphics along with mostly
out-of-town news and other content links on their websites. Why do they bother? So because their operating behavior has not
and probably will not change, there will not be much, if any, listings about them on this page.
Video Archives |
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Summer 2012 - In addition to many past incidents like this, an RNT reporter gal actually called Floyd 911 requesting
(damn near demanding) that an FCPD official call her to provide details about a serious wreck with injuries. The problem was
that she called just minutes after the first responding officer was notified about it by 911 so he had not even arrived on
the scene yet. This is just one of many ridiculous incidents in RNT's quest to be first in reporting something as their paper
slowly dies. [ >> back to top ]
Early 2000s - Hometown Headlines gets the website ad sales of the decade award for convincing local businesses to PAY
for advertising on a website whose SOLE mission it is to talk about them anyway, for FREE! On a daily basis, other multiple
small businesses that pay absolutely NOTHING get mentioned as stories located directly under, or in close proximity to, the
premium advertisers' banner ad that is paying a few hundred dollars per month. Unbelievable! None of the PAYING advertisers
seem to get this. Not only that, but they are paying for inneffective ads displayed to the SAME daily audience. And no, RFN
is not jealous. Just because a website has multiple advertisers (some being tradeouts) does NOT mean the operator is not barely
getting by. There is almost always some type of unrelated, secondary income involved. RFN does not and will not work for free
or next to free. If the viewers only knew what's really going on in the news business. [ >> back to top ]
Early 2000s - Hometown Headlines gets the website ad sales of the decade award for convincing local businesses to PAY
for advertising on a website whose SOLE mission it is to talk about them anyway, for FREE! On a daily basis, other multiple
small businesses that pay absolutely NOTHING get mentioned as stories located directly under, or in close proximity to, the
premium advertisers' banner ad that is paying a few hundred dollars per month. Unbelievable! None of the PAYING advertisers
seem to get this. Not only that, but they are paying for inneffective ads displayed to the SAME daily audience. And no, RFN
is not jealous. Just because a website has multiple advertisers (some being tradeouts) does NOT mean the operator is not barely
getting by. There is almost always some type of unrelated, secondary income involved. RFN does not and will not work for free
or next to free. If the viewers only knew what's really going on in the news business. [ >> back to top ]
September 2012 - Hometown Headlines, Rome's "most connected" media source now offers a crime watch section. Yep, a
crime watch section that looks strikingly similar to RFN's collection of local crime
links, including the Crime Mapping service that's been available on RFN for the PAST - TWO - YEARS! After
offering a crime watch feature as just described, is it not additionally hilarious that Mr HTH thinks that his "affluent audience"
would be interested in daily jail booking reports? Additionally, HTH labels the FCSO 10 Most Wanted as a Facebook page but it
is actually FCSO's main website and NOT Facebook. That Social Media Disease (SMD) is powerful stuff! Weeks later, for some
unknown reason HTH removed the Rome Crime Mapping link from its CrimeWatch lineup. [ >> back to top ]
September 2012 - Hometown Headlines, Rome's "most connected" media source now offers a crime watch section. Yep, a
crime watch section that looks strikingly similar to RFN's collection of local crime
links, including the Crime Mapping service that's been available on RFN for the PAST - TWO - YEARS! After
offering a crime watch feature as just described, is it not additionally hilarious that Mr HTH thinks that his "affluent audience"
would be interested in daily jail booking reports? Additionally, HTH labels the FCSO 10 Most Wanted as a Facebook page but it
is actually FCSO's main website and NOT Facebook. That Social Media Disease (SMD) is powerful stuff! Weeks later, for some
unknown reason HTH removed the Rome Crime Mapping link from its CrimeWatch lineup. [ >> back to top ]
Late July 2012 RNT shoots itself in the foot, adds another nail in its coffin, etc by posting daily Floyd Jail reports
on its website for FREE instead of keeping it exclusively in their weekly Roman Record that is NOT free. How dumb is that? It
did this to "compete" with other local news websites that, according to RNT, supposedly don't exist. [ >> back to top ]
November 29, 2012 - Hometown Headlines, Rome's "Business News Leader" does not say ONE word during or after federal
agents raided Rome Children's Dentistry. RFN, RNT and CBS Atlanta had to tell everybody about it instead. What a travesty!
November 28, 2012 - Once again, Hometown Headlines, Rome's "Business News Leader" fails to mention new info about one
of Rome's top realtors declaring bankruptcy. HTH did not say ONE word about the initial report weeks earlier either. Instead,
HTH waited for RNT to break the news and then quietly mentioned the info on its site. What a travesty! [ >> back to top ]
Sometime in Mid 2010s Mr Hometown launches, you guessed it, a Facebook page and posts the following notice to any that
may dare to try to emulate the highly sought after internet property, the brand that is, HOME...TOWN...HEADLINES! "This is
the official Facebook home of Hometown Headlines." That's right folks, the "official" Facebook home of HTH! To ensure that
nobody is confused by all the other Hometown Headlines FB pages in Rome & around the world. Then there's the additional scary
warning that says, "We invite reader and guest comments. However, we do not allow promotions or advertisements on our page or
timeline." After all, Mr HTH, the king of canned press releases (AKA: FREE ads disguised as news) will not be outdone by
driveby spammers. But maybe he hasn't heard that spammers, automated or not, don't give a damn! [ >> back to top ]
Early January 2013 - HTH informed Romans that a large clothing chain store was closing in a town 25 miles from Rome.
Then, a couple days later mentions the closure of a huge discount retailer in the same town. This, despite the fact that Rome
already has both stores which will remain open. [ >> back to top ]
Mid January, 2013 - RNT publicly, but obscurely, launched a new domain (.com) name that has replaced the former name
for its templated blanket sports websites that cover multiple area counties operated by parent company, NPCO. The new domain
name was registered back in July of 2012 and has NOTHING to do with sports so it may be a hint as to what is to come as far
as renaming or rebranding the failing, uhh struggling, newspaper since its multi-million dollar bankruptcy announcement.
[ >> back to top ]
Why does RFN not post as much "news" (AKA: filler) on a daily basis like others do?
Let's face it, thankfully, the Rome and Floyd county area is a very safe place to live. Therefore, sometimes it can be kind
of boring. RFN gets the same load of press releases that RNT and others get but RFN actually knows its audience content
preferences therefore knows what is and is not consistently viewed preventing an oversaturation of press releases. In other
words, RFN is not a generic press release vending machine and because of this, RFN will sometimes appear not as "busy" as the
others. This means even when there are slow news days you should not expect RFN to post endless press releases or what's on
whoever's faceyspaces, bliggidy blogs or tweety pages, pretend that stories are newsworthy and not a favor for a friend or
advertiser, overstate "significant" announcements, post annoying, oversized, animated weather maps for simple drops of rain,
post stories and/or video and send alerts for kindergarten plays / circuses / weddings / playground parties, easter egg hunts,
kite flying, garden club meetings, flower pots, etc. stolen from porches, businesses that change their sign, ceiling, flooring,
roofs, parking lots, or paint their building, etc.. Those are just a few examples of what RNT & HTH have been reduced to and
it's only getting worse. So, just because you don't receive RFN news alerts on a regular basis whether it's daily or during
the week, does not mean you are not subscribed or missing anything. It just means nothing significant is happening. [ >> back to top ]
Now see how prophetic the parodied text below really sounds when their entire print edition is substituted into that
note. And it may very well happen too.
PARODY: RNT: If you are into saving things, today's "RNT" might be one for the 'who
remembers this?' category. Today's "RNT" will be the last one that you ever see. The final appearance is because of a
number of changes in how most of our readers figure out what’s in the news each day. Most of today's local and national news
is available with the click of a button. That instant access can tell you what's happening right now, while the print version
is limited by 24 hrs or more. For those who will miss the publication, do not fear. We will continue running full online
versions each day that offer a glimpse of news, sports, business, etc.. (RFN: As if it matters if it's in print or online,
drivel is drivel) [ >> back to top ]