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FCPD Celebrating 100th Anniversary
MEDIA RELEASE: The Floyd County Police Department is celebrating its 100th anniversary. The department is proud of its
reputation and relationship with the citizens of Floyd County. We thank them for 100 years of support and their continuing
support. The department wishes to give its sincere thanks to the men and women of the department, past and present, for the
sense of duty and honor they have shown while serving and protecting the citizens of Floyd County. A special, solemn remembrance
is held in all of our hearts for those officers who died while in the line of duty and their families.
To celebrate the department’s 100 year anniversary the department is having a contest, among its officers, to design an
emblem to represent the anniversary. The winning emblem will be placed on shirts available to current and former members of
the department.
Members of the department have been compiling a history of the Floyd County Police Department from records and former officers
and their families. This history and photos will be included in a legacy album that is being produced by a private company.
The department expects to request recognition of this anniversary from local government officials. Members of the department
are paying all costs involved. Anyone who has stories or photos that they would like to be considered for inclusion in the
Floyd County Police Department 100 year anniversary legacy album, please contact Cheryl Bray at brayc@floydcountyga.org as
soon as possible.
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